Is it profitable or not to use two-tariff meters?

The cost of electricity is constantly rising, and every time bills from energy sales companies arrive, despondency sets in. Consumers often wonder how they can legally save on electricity without paying huge sums of money. One solution to this issue is the installation of a two-tariff meter. But is this method of saving suitable for the average consumer? Is a two-tariff meter still beneficial or not?

Classification of electricity meters

Electricity metering devices differ in the number of tariff zones. Their difference is that they are divided into single-tariff and multi-tariff.

A single-tariff meter records the consumption of electrical energy around the clock at one tariff.

In turn, multi-tariff electricity meters are divided into subtypes:

  • accounting for two zones (two tariffs): day (peak) zone T1 and night T2;
  • accounting for three zones (three tariffs): peak zone T1, half-peak zone T2 and night T3;
  • metering in four zones (four tariffs): designed for metering electricity of large enterprises.

A multi-tariff meter records the volume of electricity at a certain time of day (zones). In Russia, no more than three tariffs are accounted for.

Two-tariff electricity meters: prices and types of designs

Metering devices with differential tariffs look the same in appearance as single-tariff types of devices. The main differences are in the following parameters:

  • number of phases (there are three-phase two-tariff electricity meters and single-phase ones);
  • maximum power level (current);
  • accuracy class;
  • number of zones;
  • type of fixation (mounting on a DIN rail or by bolting);
  • presence of interfaces for communication (electricity meters with remote reading);
  • type of digital display;
  • additional functionality.

Note! In modern modifications of multi-tariff meters, in addition to the day-night mode, additional settings are provided that allow accounting for several time zones in a day and even several days in a week. Thanks to this, users have the opportunity to save electricity on profitable days, but provided that the electricity supplier provides a similar tariff. Information about this must be indicated in the contract.

Various models of meters from Energomera

Recommendations for choosing a two-tariff electricity meter

When choosing a device for your home, you should pay attention to the capabilities that the meter has. In addition to basic data, metering devices can measure:

  • voltage;
  • instant power consumption;
  • frequency

Some modifications have built-in memory drives that allow you to save data from previous periods, RCDs and protection against power surges in the network.

When purchasing a device with differential pricing, it is important to clarify whether the selected model is approved by the state registry. Options and parameters of devices must comply with the current tariff plan. To ensure this, it is best to contact your local energy supply company for advice.

It is prohibited to buy metering devices from random sellers or companies with a dubious reputation. The company must have permission to sell such equipment and relevant documentation.

Two-tariff meter Schneider Electric

Features of single-phase two-tariff meters

Single-phase two-tariff meters are intended for domestic use. The population is gradually switching from outdated equipment to newer two-tariff electronics. Buyers give preference to domestic models.

The list of domestic producers includes the following enterprises:

  • Moscow Electrical Instruments Plant;
  • Concern Energomera;
  • Nizhny Novgorod plant named after. M.V. Frunze;
  • NPF Mossar;
  • Saransk Instrument-Making Plant, etc.

Note! The “Mercury” range of devices supports all standards required for accounting equipment.

A single-phase device outputs 220-230 V. Because of this, there are restrictions on electricity consumption - 7-10 kW. These devices are connected to a single-phase two-wire network. It is possible to connect to a two-phase network, but in such cases, each phase must have its own device.

Single-phase meter Energomera

Prices of single-phase two-tariff electricity meters

Prices for single-phase metering devices with two tariffs from different manufacturers are almost the same. The final cost of the device depends on the store that sells the equipment. The difference varies between 10-40%. Using the table below as an example, you can compare prices for single-tariff and multi-tariff Mercury equipment designed for one phase.

Average prices for single-phase equipment Mercury:

Device modelprice, rub.
Single tariff devices
Multi-tariff devices
203.2T RBO4445
203.2T LBO5490
203.2T GBO7280
206 RN1687
206 PRNO2087
206 PLNO3533

The table shows how big the difference is between the prices of single-tariff and multi-tariff devices designed for one phase. Therefore, when purchasing a device, you need to make sure that its use will be profitable taking into account the current tariffs of the electricity supplier, otherwise the costs of purchasing metering equipment will not pay off.

Related article:

Electricity meter readings: how to take data from metering devices
Single-tariff and multi-tariff devices for metering electrical energy. Sequence and basic rules for transmitting evidence.

Single-phase device connection diagram

Today, two-tariff equipment is present in almost all new buildings. Therefore, most residents, when moving into a new house, can immediately take advantage of all the beneficial advantages of the differential metering system.

Connection diagram for an electricity meter using an RCD

As for other consumers, they can turn to Gosenergonadzor when they need to change the electric meter; the service life of the electric meter does not matter. If previously the device had to be replaced once every 16 years, today, if you want to replace the metering equipment, you just need to write an application to the energy supply company. Specialists perform a similar procedure within one day.

Note! Some energy supply companies offer comprehensive services to consumers. When switching to a differential tariff system, the organization will undertake the purchase of the device, its installation and configuration. This procedure can be performed independently.

Before you begin self-installation of single-phase equipment, you should carefully study the operating instructions and connection diagram of the device. This information can be placed in the instructions supplied with the meter, or located on the back of the terminal cover.

The terminal block has 4 contacts:

  • phase input;
  • phase output;
  • entering zero from the external network;
  • output zero.

The connection of the electric meter must be carried out by a specialist

For the procedure to be completely safe, it is necessary to turn off the machine, plugs or switch. If the input cord is supplied to the meter, the line should be disconnected. When connecting wires, you must be guided by the sequence of contacts indicated earlier.

Features of three-phase two-tariff meters

Three-phase two-tariff electricity meters Mercury 230, like similar devices from the previously mentioned manufacturers, are used primarily in enterprises that use three-phase electricity. In addition to the function of differential electricity counting at night and during the day, these devices perform metering for each phase separately.

Some universal models provide the ability to collect data on both active and reactive energy. There are modifications that allow you to set a consumption limit. After a preset amount of electricity has expired, the device automatically turns off the power supply.

Note! It is better to entrust the installation of the meter to the hands of professionals. The energy supply company's specialists are thoroughly familiar with the design features of the devices, which allows them to make the correct connection and avoid fines. In this case, all requirements of the PUE are guaranteed to be supported.

Two-tariff electricity meter ABB FBU 11206-108

The device installation process is as follows:

  • dismantling the old device;
  • installation of a three-phase multi-tariff device;
  • testing the device software for functionality and setting it up for the appropriate tariff plan;
  • connection check;
  • installation of a seal.

Types of three-phase multi-tariff meters

There are several types of three-phase multi-tariff meters on sale:

  1. Direct connection - the device is connected to a 380 or 220 V network directly, as is the case with single-phase devices. The throughput capacity of such units reaches up to 60 kW. The maximum current limit is 100A. Installation of direct connection structures involves the use of wires with a small cross-section.
  2. Semi-indirect connection - to connect devices, transformers are needed that allow them to consume energy from a high-power electrical network. Calculation of electricity using two-tariff semi-indirect meters involves identifying the difference between the current readings and the previous ones. Then the resulting result must be multiplied by the transformation coefficient.
  3. Indirect connection - connected to the network via current and voltage transformers. Most often used in large-sized enterprises, since the structures can account for energy within high-voltage connections.

Various models of PUMA counters

Note! Installation of any of the listed meters is accompanied by difficulties affecting the connection procedure. To install single-phase devices, a universal algorithm is used, and the connection diagrams for three-phase electricity meters can be different.

Installation diagram for direct connection devices

Direct switching meters are very easy to install. Their installation diagram is in many ways similar to the algorithm for connecting single-phase devices. All necessary information is indicated in the technical data sheet, which is attached to the device. In this case, it is very important to follow the order of connecting each of the wires, which differ in color. In addition, you need to monitor the placement of even and odd numbers. The order of connecting the wires according to the diagram is shown in the table.

Order of connecting wires:

Wire numberPhaseWire colorConnection type

Devices of indirect and semi-indirect connection: installation diagram

Semi-indirect metering devices are connected via current transformers. There are many installation schemes for this equipment.

The most popular schemes:

  1. The ten-wire circuit is the simplest and most popular option. To make this connection correctly, you must adhere to the order of placement of the 10 wires. From right to left, the first 3 wires are connected to phase A, then the second three wires are connected to phase B, and the next 3 are attached to phase C. The last 10th wire is neutral.
  2. Connections with a terminal box - this option is more complicated than the previous one and it involves connecting a metering device using test blocks.
  3. The “Star” circuit is difficult to implement, but requires fewer wires than the previous version. To begin with, the first unipolar outputs belonging to the secondary winding need to be assembled into a common point. The next three, coming from other exits, should be directed to the counter. After this, the current windings are connected.

Connection diagram for a three-phase electricity meter

Important! Indirect switching devices are not intended for installation in residential premises. They are used in industrial enterprises where equipment installation is carried out by highly qualified electricians.

Three-phase two-tariff electricity meters: prices

Using Mercury equipment as an example, the table below shows for comparison how much single-tariff and multi-tariff electricity meters with a three-phase connection type cost.

Average prices for Mercury equipment:

Device modelprice, rub.
Single tariff devices
231 AM-012024
230 AM-002196
230 AR-013791
230 AR-023791
230 AR-01 CL4880
Multi-tariff devices
231 AT-01I2910
230 ART-01 CN4474
230 ART-00 CN4474
234 ART-01 P5578
234 ART-01 PO6345
234 ARTM-01 POB.R8856
234 ARTM-02 PB.R8162
234 ART-01 OL17633
236 ART-01 PQL5445

The table shows that three-phase meters with a differential metering system are much more expensive than single-tariff meters. But not all residential premises may benefit from installing multi-tariff equipment, just as it is not always justified to purchase budget structures with a single tariff.

Multi-tariff or single-tariff meter: which is better to install the device

The main difference between a three-phase device is that it is installed in a four- or three-pass AC network. The standard voltage for such a system is 380 V.

A three-phase meter is connected to a three- or four-pass network

Three-phase and single-phase metering devices are used in different areas:

  1. Single-phase equipment is installed in residential premises and office buildings, in city apartments, garages, as well as in country houses and cottages. These devices are simple and convenient, characterized by a simplified reading circuit.
  2. Three-phase equipment is suitable for industrial enterprises. It can also be installed in buildings with technical equipment that consumes large amounts of electrical energy. These designs are more complex, but are characterized by high measurement accuracy.

Note! Three-phase equipment can be installed on a single-phase network.

If you have a choice between purchasing a single-phase device and purchasing a three-phase meter, it is better to give preference to the former. Devices designed for three phases have a high power level and high voltage. For this reason, they require more distribution current, and their operation is dangerous if a short circuit occurs in the system.

Electricity meter Mercury 201 with remote control

How much does it cost to change an electricity meter?

Many city apartment owners are switching to two-tariff equipment, which allows them to save money. By using the services of specialists who have the appropriate license, you can not only install the device efficiently and safely, but also reprogram the old meter to account for two tariffs, if it has such a function.

Average service prices:

Name of serviceprice, rub.
Replacement of a single-phase single-tariff device (installation and dismantling)2000
Replacement of a single-phase multi-tariff device (installation and dismantling)2000
Installation or replacement of current transformers (limited to 1000 V)3200
Replacement of a three-phase direct connection device (installation and dismantling)3500
Replacement of a three-phase indirect switching device (installation and dismantling)3500
Tariff programming1000
Programming the device when switching to summer or winter time1000
Mercury 200.02 (multi-tariff single-phase device)1800
Mercury 230 ART-01 CN (multi-tariff direct connection device)4700

The principle of operation of a two-tariff meter

It is not difficult to understand how a two-tariff electricity meter works and what is the difference between a single-tariff and multi-tariff electricity meter. It records energy consumption in two periods: during the day from 7.00 to 23.00 and at night - from 23.00 to 7.00. This differentiated metering by zone is what distinguishes a two-tariff meter from a conventional single-tariff meter, which records data around the clock at one tariff.

Electrical energy consumed in private or apartment buildings during the day varies greatly, which can be clearly seen on the load graph of an apartment building.

An example of a daily load schedule for an apartment building.

The graph shows that at night, from approximately 1.30 to 6.00, the amount of electricity consumed is the lowest. And the peak load occurs in the evening from 18.00 to 22.00.

Such a schedule can be a strong motivation to use electrical appliances at night. Household appliances with high energy consumption (washing machine, dishwasher, electric kettle, microwave oven, iron, air conditioner) are preferably used during lower peak loads, and their use at night will allow you to save a lot of money.

Calculation of the benefits of a two-tariff flow meter

Benefit is a flexible concept. It must be determined by everyone for themselves, depending on the characteristics of the operation of certain household appliances. For ease of calculations, you can use standard indicators of electricity consumption for home devices.

The most powerful household appliances include:

  • refrigerator (consumes approximately 30 kW per month depending on the model);
  • washing machine (30-35 kW);
  • personal computer (36-40 kW, but the figures can be 2 times higher if we are talking about a powerful PC);
  • electric kettle (approximately 25 kW per month, although during 1 hour of operation this device consumes an extremely large amount of energy);
  • hair dryer (5-15 kW);
  • dishwasher (20-22 kW per month when used about 3 hours per week);
  • microwave (10-13 kW);
  • TV (5-12 kW);
  • vacuum cleaner (5-10 kW);
  • iron (around 7-8 kW).

Now, based on the consumption of each device, you need to check how much you will have to pay for light with a single-tariff and two-tariff meter.

All calculations are carried out taking into account electricity tariffs in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the Moscow region, for a single-tariff meter, the cost of 1 kW is 5.47 rubles.

For two-tariff electricity meters, prices are slightly different. When using a differentiated tariff at night (from 23 to 7 o'clock) a fee of 2.13 rubles per kilowatt will be charged, and during the day - 6.29 rubles per kW. In other regions, the cost per kilowatt may differ, but the proportion itself will remain the same.

The cost of a kilowatt depends on the geographical features of the region: for example, Chukotka and Kamchatka have the highest electricity tariffs in Russia

When calculating the financial benefits of a two-tariff electric meter, you need to take into account the time at which the specified household appliances usually operate. This will make it possible to carry out correct calculations.

The operating time of each household electrical appliance looks something like this:

  1. The refrigerator operates 24 hours a day.
  2. The washing machine can be started after 23:00, but at night you can wash it a maximum of 2 times (and usually once), because the washing cycle is 1-2 hours, depending on the program used.
  3. The computer is used both day and night, depending on the schedule of life and the nature of work.
  4. The electric kettle is turned on in the morning (including before 7:00), and in the evening, when they come home from work (before 23:00), and after 23:00. But mostly the kettle is boiled between 18:00 and midnight.
  5. Hair is often dried with a hairdryer after 7 am, when electricity is calculated at the daily rate.
  6. The dishwasher with the dirty dishes accumulated during the day can be turned on after 23:00.
  7. Food is heated in the microwave mainly from 7 to 23 hours.
  8. TV is watched in the evening on weekdays, so it often works during the night tariff.
  9. Due to the noticeable noise (if you do not take into account some modern models), the vacuum cleaner is practically not turned on early in the morning (before 7:00) or late in the evening (after 23:00).
  10. You can iron things with an iron even during the night tariff (after 23:00).

Now you can do some small calculations. For examples, we take information about the average electricity consumption of household appliances per month.

For a single-tariff electric meter, the calculations will be simple. First, the total consumption of all devices is calculated based on averaged data. It is equal to 173 kW. Without any devices (for example, a dishwasher, vacuum cleaner or electric kettle), this value may be lower. On a single-tariff meter, for 173 kilowatts according to Moscow tariffs you need to pay 993 rubles.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best methods for transferring data to your account.

Before installing any electrical appliance in an apartment, you must first evaluate its energy efficiency, and then buy it

Before calculating the benefits of installing a two-tariff meter, you should analyze the actual electricity consumption in the apartment and determine the devices that are constantly working.

The calculations are a little more complicated, so it would be more appropriate to calculate the cost of consumed electricity separately for each device, and then add up the information obtained:

  1. The refrigerator works both at night and during the day, so you need to calculate one half of its operating time according to the daytime rate, and the other half - according to the night rate. The example looks like this: 15*2.13+15*6.29=126 (rub.).
  2. A washing machine can be used in a similar way, but here it is better to use a ratio of 1 to 3, i.e. according to the night tariff, you should calculate only a third of the total consumption: 10 * 2.13 + 20 * 6.29 = 147.1 (rub.).
  3. Calculation for a computer : 18*2.13+18*6.29=153.69 (rub.).
  4. For an electric kettle, approximate calculation: 13*6.29+12*2.13=107.33 (rub.).
  5. The hairdryer is rarely turned on before 7 am and after 11 pm, so it is better to take into account only the daily rate: 5 * 6.29 = 31.45 (rub.).
  6. The dishwasher can be turned on at any time, but let’s assume that it is set on a timer after 11 pm: 20 * 2.13 = 42.6 (rub).
  7. Calculation for a microwave : 10*6.29=62.9 (rub.).
  8. For TV : 3*2.13+2*6.29=18.97 (rub.).
  9. For a vacuum cleaner : 5*6.29=31.45 (rub.).
  10. For iron : 7*6.29=44.03 (rub.).

If you add up all these values, you get 765.5 rubles. This is almost 230 rubles less than the amount that you will have to pay for the consumption of household appliances when using a single-tariff meter. But this is subject to loading the dishwasher late in the evening and periodically washing at night.

If there is no dishwasher (and not every family has one), then the difference in readings will be less: 722 rubles for a two-tariff meter versus 880 rubles for a single-tariff meter. Those. the overpayment in the second case will be about 160 rubles.

Savings and convenience rarely go hand in hand, so when installing a two-tariff meter you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to turn on the dishwasher or washing machine at an inappropriate time

Then you need to calculate how much electricity all the light bulbs in the house consume. They are found in chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces and other lighting fixtures.

The number of kilowatts depends on the type of lamp:

  • LED light bulbs consume 10 watts per hour;
  • fluorescent - 36 watts per hour;
  • incandescent lamps - 96 watts per hour.

The lights are turned on at night. In winter, it starts to get dark at 16:00, but a lot depends on the region. On average, each light bulb in the house works about 4 hours a day (some less, some more). Those. per month, one LED lamp consumes 1.2 kW, a fluorescent lamp consumes 4.3 kW, and a regular lamp consumes 11.5 kW.

LED light bulbs are expensive and are not sold in all stores, but they can significantly save on monthly electricity bills

The number of light bulbs in apartments depends on the personal preferences of its owners and the total area of ​​the room. For example, in a two-room apartment there can be either 5 or 25. But for calculations, you can take an approximate value of 15 lamps: 3 in the kitchen and both rooms, two in the hallway and bathroom, and one in the pantry and toilet.

If all the light bulbs in the apartment are LED, 18 kW will accumulate in a month, if they are fluorescent - 64 kW, and if they are regular - 172.5 kW.

The more lamps, floor lamps and sconces in an apartment, the brighter and more comfortable it is, and therefore you should not skimp on lighting fixtures

If a regular single-tariff meter is installed in the apartment, then you will need to pay 98.5 rubles per month for LED bulbs, 350 rubles for fluorescent bulbs and 943.5 rubles for regular bulbs.

If you use a two-tariff meter, your electricity bill will be reduced. However, the lights often turn on before 11 p.m., so the bulbs will still work during the daytime tariff. The ratio can be taken as 1 to 3.

The cost of a month of electricity consumption is equal to:

  • for LED light bulbs: 6*2.13+12*6.29=88.26 (RUB);
  • for fluorescent: 22*2.13+42*6.29=311.04 (rub.);
  • for incandescent lamps: 57.5*2.13+115*6.29=845.83 (rub.).

The benefit depends on the type of light bulbs installed. For LEDs it will be about 10 rubles, but for incandescent lamps – already 100 rubles. But does it make sense to buy a two-tariff flow meter if you can replace the light bulbs in the house with more economical ones?

Calculation of the economic effect of switching to a two-tariff meter

Before making a decision to replace a single-tariff meter, it is advisable to calculate the efficiency of switching to a two-tariff electric meter.

Regional authorities independently determine tariffs for the supply of eclectic energy, so the cost per kilowatt-hour in each subject of the Russian Federation is different. Tariffs usually change every six months. And their changes, unfortunately, are only increasing.

As an example for calculation, you can take tariffs for the first half of 2022 in the Lipetsk region.

Single-rate tariff - 3.67 rubles. per kW/h.

Two-zone tariff:

  • day - 4.22 rub. per kW/h;
  • night — 2.20 rub. per kW/h.

The difference between the consumption of electrical energy during the day and at night is almost 2 times different and amounts to 2.02 rubles. per kW/h.

During the same period in the Irkutsk region, prices differ:

Single-rate tariff - 1.11 rubles. per kW/h.

Two-zone tariff:

  • day - 1.27 rub. per kW/h;
  • night — 0.74 rub. per kW/h.

The difference in the Irkutsk region was only 0.53 rubles. per kW/h.

Using the examples of two regions, we can conclude: in the Lipetsk region, the transition to a two-tariff meter will become feasible, but in the Irkutsk region it is practically unprofitable.

Therefore, before installing a new meter, it is worth analyzing the cost of electricity in your region, assessing the economic effect and considering whether it is profitable or not.

Selecting a meter, its cost and installation

You can purchase an electrical energy meter at any electrical goods store. Sales consultants will tell you what a two-tariff meter is, which ones are good, and give advice on choosing an electronic device. The cost of equipment depends on the manufacturer, model, accuracy class and service life.

A brief overview of budget electronic (static) electricity meters.

NameManufacturer countryAccuracy classWarranty period, yearsService life, yearsAverage price, rub.*
1TAIPIT NEVA MT 124 AS OR 1ph 5-60A 220VRussia17302660.00
2INCOTEX MERCURY 206 RN 1ph 5-60A 1.0/2.0Russia23302400.00
3ENERGOMERA 459547 CE 102 R5.1 145 J 1ph 5-60ARussia14301550.00
4SOE-55/50Sh-T-112 MZEPRussia13.5321450.00

*According to the website

  1. TAIPIT NEVA MT 124 AS OR 1ph 5-60A 220V.

  2. INCOTEX MERCURY 206 RN 1ph 5-60A 1.0/2.0.

  3. ENERGOMERA 459547 CE 102 R5.1 145 J 1ph 5-60A

  4. SOE-55/50Sh-T-112 MZEP.

More expensive two-tariff meters with advanced functionality are also sold, but not always expensive ones with many functions that are much better than usual. Still, the main task of the device is to correctly record data.

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the accuracy class, verification time and the availability of additional maintenance for a multi-tariff meter.

Which electricity meter is better to install in a private house?

Let's consider what is better to choose using the example of single-phase two-tariff meters Energomera or Mercury. These are well-known brands of devices that are in high demand.

ParameterMercury 230 ART-03 RN 5(7.5) AEnergy meter CE 303 R33 746-JAZ 3ph 5-100 A
Accuracy class1/0,551/1
PowerActive, reactive
Load5-7.5 A5-100 A
Frequency49-51 Hz47.5-52.5 Hz
Operating principleElectronic
Indications4 tariffs2 tariffs
Tariff controlExternal, internalExternal
Anti-vandal protectionElectronic seal
Dimensions (mm)170*74*258151,5*143*72,5
Weight (in kg)1,53
Housing protectionIP54IP50
Operating temperature in degrees Celsius-40 – +55-40 – +60
Installation3 screwsDIN rail
Double check10 years10 years
Declared service life30 years30 years
Guarantee3 years5 and 7 years before 05/01/2019 and after
AdditionReverse stopper, self-diagnosis with alerts on the monitorFixation of power limit for a month, notification of deviations and exceedings

Calculation of consumed electrical energy

On average, electricity consumption in a 3-room apartment with an area of ​​60 sq.m per month is approximately 250–300 kW. In winter, consumption increases due to short and cold days, and in summer, on the contrary, it decreases.

Before choosing a single-tariff or two-tariff electric meter, you need to analyze the amount of electricity consumed by time of day, your daily routine, what time your working day starts and ends. If the main peak and consumer activity occurs at night, then it is better to install a two-tariff meter. With a more detailed analysis of electricity use, you can install a three-tariff electricity meter, if this is most appropriate.

The cost of installation work varies in each region. The price for the service ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles. Installing a two-tariff electricity meter is a short process, but requires high professionalism of an electrician.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A look at the profitability of a two-tariff electric meter is reflected in the following video:

A two-tariff meter is not suitable for everyone. Before installing it, you need to carefully calculate all your expenses on electricity in order to understand whether it is needed or not.

There is no universal answer to the question of the advisability of installing a two-tariff metering device. Without accurate calculations of energy consumption in a specific apartment or private house, it is difficult to say in advance whether it will be profitable or not.

Do you use a two-tariff electric meter? Share your experience with other users - tell us whether using it was beneficial for you. If you are just looking at this type of counter and want to clarify a number of nuances, ask your questions in the comments block located below under this publication.

Calculation of economic benefits

To calculate savings, you need to compare costs for two types of metering devices.


Consumption in winter is 300 kW per month. Tariff - 3.67 per kW/h. Thus, with a single-tariff meter installed, the consumer will have to pay for the services: 300×3.67 = 1101.00 rubles.

Consumption in winter is 300 kW per month, but 100 kW is during the day and 200 kW at night. The volume of kilowatts is calculated separately, each according to its own tariff. Day – 100×4.22=422.00 rub., night – 200×2.20=440.00 rub. The total amount for the two-tariff meter for the month will be 862.00 rubles.

Now the difference is calculated and the savings are determined: 1101.00−862.00=239.00 rub.

Over the course of a year, a larger amount comes out: 239.00×12=2868.00 rubles.

Using economic calculations as an example, it is obvious that installing a two-tariff meter allows you to save a lot of money.

Payback period for purchasing a new device

If you buy the cheapest device, for example, for 1450.00 rubles, then it will pay for itself in 6–7 months: 1450.00/239.00=6.07. When purchasing a more expensive device, for example, for 2660.00 rubles. — the payback period will be approximately one year: 2660.00/239.00=11.1.

If we include the cost of services for installing the device (on average 700 rubles), then the payback in the case of purchasing two meters of different prices will be:

  • Let's calculate in the first case: (1450.00+700.00)/239.00=9;
  • and in the second case: (2660.00+700.00)/239.00=14.

Even if you pay for the services of an installation specialist, the payback is quick and will be 9 and 14 months.

All calculations were carried out approximately, so each consumer must make an independent calculation based on his readings and the tariffs of energy sales companies.

Calculation of savings in houses with installed electric stoves

Residents of high-rise buildings do not have gas supply, since the pressure in gas pipes can only reach 10 floors. According to the plan, apartments in such houses are equipped exclusively with electric stoves.

In houses equipped with stationary electric stoves and electric heating installations, the electricity tariff is significantly lower.

Before leaving a single-tariff meter or installing a two-tariff meter, you need to understand whether this is beneficial in terms of electrifying the entire house, take this fact into account and carry out the calculation.

As an example for the calculation, we took the cost of the tariff rate for residents living in houses with installed stationary electric stoves and electric heating installations for the first half of 2022 in the Lipetsk region.

Single-rate tariff - 2.57 rubles. per kW/h.

Two-zone tariff:

  • day - 2.96 rub. per kW/h;
  • night — 1.54 rub. per kW/h.

Estimated consumption in winter is 300 kW per month. Single-rate tariff - 2.57 per kW/h. Thus, with a single-tariff meter, the consumer will pay for the services of energy sales companies: 300 × 2.57 = 771.00 rubles.

Consumption in winter is also 300 kW per month, but 100 kW is during the day and 200 kW at night. The volume of kilowatts is calculated at a tariff differentiated between two zones. Day – 100×2.96=296.00 rub., night – 200×1.54=308.00 rub. The total amount for a two-tariff meter per month will be 604.00 rubles.

Calculation of the difference and determination of savings: 771.00−604.00=167.00 rub. per month, and per year - 167.00 × 12 = 2004.00 rubles.

The savings are slightly lower than in houses with gasification, but over time, for example, over a year it still turns out to be quite a significant amount. In houses with built-in electric stoves, the consumer himself chooses the optimal metering tariff for him and whether the electric meter needs to be replaced.

How to take readings from a two-tariff electricity meter

Meters with two tariffs display electricity data as accurately as possible. The information is displayed on the display. Moreover, not only the total amount of energy consumed is reflected, but also the amount of electricity used during a certain period of time, for example, day or night. Taking this into account, the apartment owner can draw up his own schedule for using powerful appliances in order to minimize the amount of money spent on utility bills.

Note! Metering devices with a differential tariff system inform the homeowner not only regarding the readings. They display the degree of load on the system, so you can rationalize the energy consumption process.

Some users will find the process of reading a multi-tariff meter difficult due to the presence of many numerical values ​​​​on the display. However, the data processing system is actually very simple if you look at it.

The values ​​of day and night tariffs are summed up

How to take readings from two-tariff electricity meters

To take readings from the electric meter, you will need a pen and a blank sheet of paper. The accounting device displays the letter “T” with digital markings 1, 2 or 3. The device has an “Enter” button for taking readings at different tariffs.

Reading diagram:

  1. Write down the daily rate data on a piece of paper (letter “T” marked 1).
  2. Get readings for the night tariff by pressing the “Enter” button.
  3. A “T” will appear on the screen labeled 2. Record these readings.
  4. Below, write down the data received for the past month.
  5. Based on past and new data obtained, calculate the number of kilowatts of electricity consumed for the current month. To do this, you need to subtract the readings for the last month from the latest data.
  6. Perform cost calculation. In this case, the number of kilowatts is multiplied by the cost of 1 kW for each tariff separately.
  7. Add the resulting amounts for the night and day rates.

Important! When taking readings to calculate the cost, you do not need to rewrite the numbers after the decimal point. They will complicate calculations and may cause an error that will result in an overpayment.

Different tariffs are marked T1, T2, T3, etc.

How to fill out a receipt for electricity payment correctly

Not every energy supply company tracks the documentation process, so very often consumers are forced to fill out receipts themselves.

Scheme for filling out receipts:

  1. Bank details are entered. These data are specified in the contract for the supply of electrical energy.
  2. The consumer data is filled in, i.e. payer. The list of this information includes the consumer's address, full name and personal account number.
  3. The period of time for which payment will be made (month) is recorded.
  4. The first line of the table is intended for entering data on the daily tariff “T1”, both for the last month and for the current one. The tariff rate and the amount to be paid are also indicated here.
  5. The second row of the table is filled in in a similar way with data for the night tariff “T2”.
  6. The “Total” column summarizes all data payable according to tariffs.

Most often, the list of required information is limited to the specified data. The receipt form must be approved by the energy supply company. In some cases, it is necessary to record the model of the metering device. At post offices where utility bills for electricity are paid, consumers can receive advice on how to correctly fill out receipts.

In addition, there is a hotline that you can call to resolve such issues. Many companies have resources on the Internet where users are provided with consulting support.

Filling out a receipt for paying for electricity

Helpful advice! In some cases, it is allowed to transmit information on the electricity meter via the Internet. However, such a system only works if data is transferred monthly to the energy supply company.

Transmitting readings from an electric meter: basic methods

To date, several convenient systems have been developed for transmitting data from electricity meters to the service company:

  1. Take the data to the service company, having first filled out a receipt. It is advisable to pay the invoice on the same day.
  2. Transfer data remotely via the Internet. To do this, you need to make a calculation, go to the company’s official website on the Internet, log in to the website and fill out the appropriate form.
  3. Owners of electric meters with remote readings can simply use the automatic data transfer function. By activating this device option, there is no need to perform calculations and transfer readings to the service company. All actions are automated.

Owners of apartments and houses must independently submit meter readings once a month

According to the updated legislation, owners of apartments in multi-storey residential buildings, as well as housing in the private sector, are not required to transfer data. All information from accounting devices can be sent in a way convenient for each consumer at the end of the month. If the owner of the meter has recently become a user of the services and does not have receipts confirming payment, it is allowed to transmit readings in an unauthorized way. This may include email, answering machine and SMS messages. If you use the SMS transmission method, you will definitely need a personal account number.

Taking this into account, we can come to the conclusion that two-tariff meters are beneficial in most cases. At the same time, the reading system is no more complicated than that of older generation devices.

Instructions for switching to a two-tariff meter

When the decision to switch has been made, you can replace the old electric meter with a new device.

To do this, the following algorithm of actions is observed:

  1. Submit an application to the regional energy sales company for installation of a two-tariff meter in person, or through your personal account on the official website.
  2. Purchase a suitable multi-tariff meter.
  3. Pay for services to replace the electric meter.
  4. Within 10 working days, an employee of the energy sales company will come and take readings from the old meter, dismantle it, install a new one, put it into operation and seal it.
  5. Sign a certificate of completion of work on commissioning, a service agreement.

You can buy an electric meter directly from the energy sales company itself, which often provide this opportunity and offer two-tariff meters. It is prohibited to independently dismantle an old metering device or break seals and is punishable by a fine.

Two-tariff electricity meters: how to choose - find out which one is better in terms of characteristics

Sooner or later, the moment always comes when you need to think about replacing your electricity meter. There are many reasons - an old meter may outlive the period set by the manufacturer, become unusable, cease to meet the requirements of an existing or modernized home electrical network, or simply not fit into the apartment interior. There is another reason that encourages owners to decide to replace this device - a differentiated tariff system for electricity consumption.

Two-tariff electricity meters: how to choose

That is why two-tariff electricity meters have become increasingly in demand among consumers; how to choose which will be recommended in this publication.

What is a multi-tariff accounting system

It is known that electricity consumption varies significantly at different times of the day. Energy engineers conventionally divide day and night into five successively replacing one another zones:

  • Night - with minimal consumption, lasting from 23.00 to 7.00
  • Morning peak – from 7.00 to 9.00. The population wakes up en masse, prepares to go to work, a huge number of electrical appliances are turned on, and work shifts at enterprises begin.
  • Daytime semi-peak, from 10.00 to 17.00 – consumption levels out somewhat due to a decrease in the “home” load, but remains quite high due to the work of a large number of enterprises and institutions.
  • Evening peak – from 17.00 to 21.00. “Rush hour” on all types of electric transport, consumers returning home with the understandable mass switching on of lighting, heating or air conditioning systems, computers, televisions, all types of household appliances, including very energy-intensive electric stoves, boilers, washing machines and dishwashers.
  • Evening half-peak, from 21.00 to 23.00, when the total load on the power grid begins to gradually decrease due to the end of household chores and the gradual transition of the population to sleep.

On the graph you can clearly see the approximate level of electricity consumption, based on statistical data from one of the largest cities in Russia - St. Petersburg.

Graph of daily load distribution in the city power grid

Such load surges have an extremely negative impact on the condition of power lines and, most importantly, on the operation of power plants. By and large, this leads to irrational use of energy resources, accelerated wear and tear of generating and transforming equipment, and even to a certain deterioration of the environmental situation in the region.

In order to smooth out such differences as much as possible and minimize the consequences of such jumps, a system of differentiated tariffication of consumed electricity was developed. The main goal of this approach is to extremely motivate the population to reduce consumption during peak load hours and transfer many energy-intensive household processes specifically to the so-called “night slack”.

This policy has been introduced in many regions of Russia, although the established tariffs can vary quite significantly by region and city. But the night rate is always much lower than the day rate.

For example, in St. Petersburg, from January 1, 2015, the following cost per 1 kW of consumed electricity is established (the cost per kilowatt is indicated in brackets for houses where stationary electric stoves are installed and (or) electric heating of the premises is provided):

Tariff typecost of 1 kW, rub
General, in the absence of meters with separate metering of consumption by time3,53 (2,47)
Daytime, for half-peak and peak zones when using multi-tariff meters, from 7.00 to 23.003,55 (2,49)
Preferential night, from 23.00 to 7.002,14 (1,50)

Differentiated electricity tariffs for 2015 in St. Petersburg
In some regions, in particular Moscow and the Moscow region, there is even the possibility of three-level tariffs with a division of half-peak and peak zones:

Tariff typecost of 1 kW, rub
General, in the absence of meters with separate metering of consumption by time4,68 (3,28)
Daytime, for half-peak and peak zones when using two-tariff meters, from 7.00 to 23.004,91 (3,44)
Daytime for peak zones, from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 21.00, when using meters with multi-level tariffs4,92 (3,45)
Daytime for semi-peak zones, from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 21.00 to 23.00, when using meters with multi-level tariffs4,08 (2,85)
Preferential night, from 23.00 to 7.001,26 (0,88)

Differentiated electricity tariffs for 2015 in Moscow
Even a quick glance shows that the cost of “night” and “peak” electricity can sometimes differ by almost four times. And if you sit down with a pencil in your hands and a calculator (computer) to analyze your home consumption, you can achieve very significant savings.

So, for example, you can do all the washing at night - modern washing machines allow you to program this process with a delayed start. The same can fully apply to dishwashers. If you have a powerful boiler at home, then it is also better to heat the water at night, creating a supply of hot water that will last for a day. Modern “smart” kitchen appliances are quite capable of preparing a hot breakfast for the owners, having completed all manipulations before 7 am. It can provide good savings and rational use of heating or air conditioning devices, taking into account the “intelligent” capabilities inherent in them. And for a fairly large category of people who belong to the “night owls”, such pricing is, in general, just a godsend.

In a word, a two- or multi-tariff consumption metering system opens up a wide range of opportunities for serious savings. However, first you will need to make a material investment - purchase an appropriate meter.

Use the calculator to calculate the electricity consumption of your refrigerator.

Video: what are multi-tariff meters for?

Parameters for selecting a meter with separate tariffication

Before you start choosing an electricity meter with separate pricing, you first need to find out exactly whether a differentiated payment system operates in a particular locality. A multi-tariff meter costs much more than a regular meter, and therefore its purchase should be justified.

Moreover, it is also necessary to clarify the number of tariff levels - as we have already seen in the above example, there may be two or more. It is possible that this gradation may increase even more - for example, with separate accounting on weekdays and weekends or even by seasons - similar experiments are being carried out, and in some places in European countries this has already been implemented. Some models of modern meters have a fairly large technological backlog - the electronic circuit allows you to program their operation with separate accounting in 8 or even 12 different modes.

Type of meter based on operating principle

All electricity meters can be divided into two large groups - induction and electronic.

Until recently, all meters were induction

Induction meters are familiar to everyone - they were the ones that were installed everywhere until recently. The consumed current passing through the coils of the metering device created an electromagnetic field, due to which the disk connected to the mechanical counting device rotated. Each revolution of the disk corresponded to a certain amount of energy consumed.

Electronic meters have a different operating principle. Semiconductor elements of the circuit convert the passing current of a certain voltage into a pulse signal, which is transmitted to the counting device.

Electronic pulse counter with electromechanical indication

The indication can be provided electromechanically - the same wheels with numbers as on an induction meter, but with rotation transmitted through a stepper electric drive that responds to impulses generated by the circuit. Another, more modern option is an electronic digital display.

Electric meter with digital display

It is quite clear that multi-tariff meters can have an exclusively electronic operating principle and digital display. By the way, this limits them by location. Liquid crystal displays require a certain “microclimate” to operate correctly, and in conditions of low temperatures or direct sunlight they may simply stop displaying information, although the meter circuit itself will properly calculate consumption. Therefore, if you plan to install a new meter in a private house, you should plan to place it exclusively indoors.

Meter accuracy class

This indicator indicates the permissible error of the device, expressed as a percentage. The vast majority of induction meters belonged to the “2.5” class. Electronic devices in this regard are, of course, more accurate, and have classes “2”, “1”, “0.5” and even higher.

The accuracy class is always indicated both in the technical documentation and on the device itself - usually a pictogram is used in the form of a number enclosed in a circle.

The accuracy class of the device and other important electrical parameters are always indicated on the front panel

Of course, the higher the accuracy class, the more expensive the device. And here it is important to know one subtlety so as not to overpay when buying too much. Electricity network workers may unreasonably demand the purchase of a meter with inflated indicators - “1” or even “0.5”. However, there is a legislative act on this matter that clearly establishes the requirements for such devices. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 of May 4, 2012, which regulates retail electricity markets, it is determined that for private consumers, citizens living in multi-storey apartments, private houses, an accuracy class of “2” or higher is established. Class “1” is required only at the entrance to a multi-apartment residential building or if the total load power exceeds 670 kW, which simply does not happen in private housing.

There is one more nuance. The same Resolution (Article 142) established that even if the meter standing in the apartment at the time of adoption of this document has a lower accuracy class, then its replacement will be mandatory only after the expiration of the test interval or if the device fails (or is lost) .

Demands from electric network workers to replace the meter with a more accurate one, class “1”, or within a previously established period, without the desire of the homeowner, are illegal.

Single-phase, three-phase, maximum current

Most city apartments and private houses are connected to a single-phase network of 220 V, 50 Nz. Accordingly, the meter must meet these indicators. However, there are also connections to a three-phase 380 V network, for example, in apartments with stationary electric stoves or electric heating systems provided for by the design of a particular building. This will be indicated by special sockets and plugs on the cables of powerful electrical appliances, which differ from the usual connection points.

Socket and plug for powerful electrical appliances powered by a three-phase network

In such cases, you will have to select a three-phase meter. By the way, many private developers often create a kind of “energy reserve” by immediately connecting their homes to a three-phase network - this significantly expands the possibilities of using household appliances and powerful power tools in the future. Many models of modern three-phase meters can be connected to work with a single-phase network, which significantly increases their versatility.

For each meter, the rated and maximum load current indicators are determined. As a rule, they are designed for a maximum permissible value of up to 60 A, which approximately corresponds to a total load of 10 kW - this is quite sufficient for almost any private home with a large margin. If the calculation shows that the total power consumption is above 10 kW, then you should purchase a meter with a maximum current value of 100 A. Such devices have a direct principle of connecting to the network, without additional converters. If, however, a load exceeding 100 A is planned, then it will also be necessary to connect the meter through a special device - a current transformer.

Voltage, rated and maximum current indicators are also always indicated in the device data sheet and on its front panel.

Availability and type of communication interfaces

Further prospects for the development of power grids include the introduction of automated consumption metering systems, and in some regions the practical implementation of such developments is already underway on an experimental basis. Communication channels are organized, transmitting first to local stations, and then to a single center of meter readings, including for other types of consumed resources (water, gas). The power lines themselves (via PLC modem), IP or GSM networks can be used as feedback channels.

In any case, it would be a good idea to ask your local energy supply organization about planned upgrades so that, if necessary, you can purchase a meter with a similar function built into it, so that you don’t have to buy another one when putting such a system into operation.

Additional meter options

Modern electronic meters, in addition to separate tariffs, may have a number of other additional options. These include entering monthly consumption indicators into memory cells, which can be convenient, for example, when conflicts arise with energy supply organizations. In some cases, this data can be transferred to a computer. Some meters can be used to take instantaneous indicators - consumed current, voltage or active (reactive) power at a specific point in time, thus performing the function of a multimeter. The built-in “event log” can reflect peak consumption points, power surges or lack thereof, attempts and time of opening the device, phase changes, exposure to an electromagnetic field and other actions.

As practice shows, most of the built-in functions for the average consumer remain unclaimed.

Varieties by type of installation

When choosing a meter, be sure to take into account its design features regarding the method of its installation in the distribution board.

All old metering devices were installed using standard screw fastenings at three points - the top and two bottom. For this purpose, mounting holes or brackets with standardized distances between them were provided on the devices themselves, and on the panels there were corresponding threaded sockets or places for screwing in fasteners.

Placing mounting holes for mounting in old-type panels

Some electronic meters are produced in housings that are designed specifically for this type of installation. This is the best choice if an old design switchboard is installed in the apartment (entrance).

The panels have appropriate holes for fastening

A more modern option for mounting a switchboard with a metering device is installation on a DIN rail. In this case, on the back of the meter there is a shaped groove with clamps, with the help of which it is attached to a standard profile metal rail.

The counter will be installed on this DIN rail

Some models provide the possibility of both types of fastening. In addition, the same electronic circuit of a metering device can be housed in different housings. For example, the fairly popular two-tariff meter SOE-55 is available in four versions, with housings from “1” to “4”, which differ in appearance, dimensions, and mounting method.

Curved grooves with a lock for mounting on a DIN rail

When constructing private housing or during major renovations in an apartment, preference is increasingly being given to modern plastic boxes for external or built-in (wall-mounted) placement, with mounting of meters, circuit breakers, RCDs and other devices on DIN rails.

Neat distribution box tucked into the wall

Prices for electricity meters

Electricity meters

What to pay special attention to when buying a meter

  • First of all, the “golden” rule should work here - never, under any circumstances, purchase such devices from random people, in markets or in obscure organizations that do not have the appropriate state certification. No matter how favorable the terms of purchase may seem, no matter how convincing the sellers are and how they show certified product passports, such a deal should be resolutely rejected. Moreover, you should not even consider the issue if it is proposed to purchase a used device.

Probably the most reasonable approach to this issue would be to contact your local energy sales organization. They will probably either offer to purchase a meter from them, or they will tell you which manufacturers’ models are recommended for installation. Very often, such information is posted on the official websites of electricity supply companies.

  • The selected meter model, regardless of whether it is domestic or imported, must be on the State Register list, that is, it must be fully certified and approved for sale and operation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The completeness of the device must be checked according to the passport

  • When purchasing a meter, be sure to check its completeness - original packaging, electronic parts, housing with fasteners, technical data sheet of the product with a specific factory serial number.
  • Attention is immediately drawn to the presence, safety and clarity of factory seals. If you suspect a violation, you should take another product.

Particular attention to the technical form of the product with all the necessary marks

  • When reading the technical documents accompanying the meter, the date of manufacture of the product, the established warranty periods and, of course, the inspection interval are checked. The technical form must contain a quality control mark for the product.
  • The operating instructions for the device should clarify the permissible modes of its operation - this is especially important when the switchboard is planned to be installed in an unheated room.
  • to install the meter yourself - for this it is better to invite a specialist with permission to perform this type of work. In any case, after installing the device, it is mandatory to call employees of the energy supply company, who must check the correct connection, register it, carry out their own sealing of the device, configure it in accordance with the current tariff policy, give the owner detailed instructions on the rules for taking readings and other important questions regarding the operation of a specific model. The installation of the meter is also noted in its technical form, indicating the date for its next verification.

Popular models of meters with differentiated tariffs

In conclusion, without pursuing any advertising purposes, but only as an example, here are several models of meters with multi-tariff metering functions, which are quite popular and have earned positive reviews from both electricity consumers and specialists.

ESR - 55

These are products of the Moscow Electrical Instruments Plant (MZEP). The SOE - 55 line includes 8 models, differing in the design of the housing and a number of technical characteristics.

SOE-55 in housing “1” - perfect for replacing a meter in an old cabinet

Models 50 Ш are designed for a maximum current consumption of 50 A and have the possibility of four-level tariffication. 60 Sh meters are more powerful, up to 60 A, and the number of levels has been increased to 8.

SOE-55 in housing “3” for fixing on a DIN rail

Some models (60 Sh-T-415 OM and 60 Sh-T-213 OM) have a built-in power limiter - a residual current device (RCD). 60 Ш meters have a function for instant measurement of power network parameters - voltage, current, power consumption and frequency.

The accuracy class of the entire model range is “1”.

The intercheck interval of devices is set at 16 years, and their estimated service life is 32 years. The manufacturer's warranty is 42 months.

Housings “1” and “4” are convenient for replacing metering devices on old electrical panels - their fastenings comply with these standards. Models with housings “2” and “3” are designed for DIN rail mounting. Weight, depending on the type of case, from 300 to 600 g.

"Mercury - 200"

This line of meters includes three models (“02”, “04” and “05”), the main difference between which is the interfaces for external communication. In general, the technical characteristics are similar.

"Mercury 200" is a successful model with a good reputation

Although "Mercury - 200" is a fairly new development - it is more than 10 years old, nevertheless these meters are in great demand.

Instrument accuracy class is “1”. The intercheck interval is 16 years. The warranty period is 3 years, and the estimated period of use is 30 years.

The meters allow you to maintain differentiated accounting at 4 tariffs, and it is possible to separately record indicators both by day of the week and by month of the year. You can enter, if necessary, holidays into the built-in electronic calendar.

The meters are designed for installation on a DIN rail, their weight is no more than 600 g.

"Energomera - SE-102"

The Energomera - CE-102 meter, which has earned many positive reviews, is the own development of the Stavropol company that produces it.

"Energomera - CE-102" - can also be available in several housing options

It supports eight-level billing with storage of readings for the last 13 months. The electronic display displays the current time and date, the currently valid tariff, remaining limit (if installed), active power, voltage and current.

The electronic circuit of the device allows you to make a number of additional settings, for example, up to 32 days of exceptions (for example, holidays), the breakdown of one day into up to 16 tariff zones, automatic transition to “summer” time, setting the response threshold of the built-in RCD and others.

The meters are available for both conventional placement and DIN rail mounting.

The accuracy class of the device is “1”. The average time between failures of an electronic circuit is 160 thousand hours. The intercheck interval is 16 years. The manufacturer provides the product with a solid 5-year warranty.

Features of the Energomera - CE-102 devices, in addition, are an electronic seal, three communication interfaces - PLC, radio modem and RS-485, an infrared port for programming and data transfer, a reliable data protection system from unauthorized access.

The multi-tariff meters of the “Neva” line are also of interest, which you can learn about by watching the attached video:

Video: multi-tariff meters "Neva"

Features when deciding to switch to a two-tariff electricity meter

Before installing a new meter, there are a number of factors to consider:

  • tariffs for the supply of electrical energy and differentiation by zone in the regions of Russia vary;
  • there is no guarantee that the cost difference between the “day” and “night” time zones will not change downwards;
  • the electric meter must be installed by a specialist;
  • consider payback;
  • apply an individual approach;
  • take into account the absence of gasification when making calculations.

It is impossible to answer the question which meter is better, single-tariff, two-tariff or three-tariff. Their differences lie in the accounting of electrical energy by time of day. Each case is considered individually, since the lifestyle and daily routine, the number of residents, the presence of household appliances with high energy consumption and other factors are taken into account. Each consumer can independently carry out a simple calculation, determine what is more profitable, decide to switch to multi-tariff electricity meters and install it.

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