How to correctly take readings from an electricity meter?

Accounting for consumed electrical energy is given paramount importance, therefore, electricity meters are installed in every apartment, in every private house, in factories, factories, and business institutions. As a rule, most citizens submit monthly electricity meter readings to the metering service. At the same time, you can independently calculate how much electricity and how much the family spent per month. Unfortunately, not everyone records and transfers data correctly.

Induction meters: what are their features

Induction meters are already a thing of the past, although in some places they still remain. They are simple and reliable. They are easy to distinguish from other types of counters because they have a wheel that rotates when the counter is running.

Old style counter

How many numbers to write off

There are models with different numbers of digits: usually from 4 to 7. In many models, the last one or two digits are highlighted. This may be a regular comma, these numbers may have a different color (usually red) or different sizes. The last figures show tenths or hundredths of kilowatt/hours, therefore, when recording and transmitting to the appropriate services, they are not taken into account, since accounting is carried out in whole kilowatts.

Induction counter

It should be remembered that there are models in which the last one or two digits are not highlighted. In this case, you will have to write down all the numbers, since the design of the meter does not allow tenths or hundredths of the energy consumed to be taken into account. You need to be careful so that you don’t have to pay a huge difference.

If you are not sure that you will be able to take readings correctly, it is better to invite an inspector to your home so that he can explain and clarify which numbers should be recorded and which should not. Alternatively, you can contact the electrician who services this area and get all the information you need from him. This can even be done over the phone.

Reading process

After the meter is installed, the owner is given a certificate indicating the initial digits of the meter. By the way, they are obliged to explain how readings are taken correctly and which numbers are important and which ones should not be paid attention to. As a rule, all zeros that precede the first digit are also not written down.

Sample reading

To calculate how many kilowatt/hours of electricity were consumed, you need to know the readings for the previous month. If the meter has just been installed, the first numbers can be taken from the installation report, and subsequently the data can be taken from receipts, which are best stored in a convenient place so that you don’t have to look for them for a long time.

Nowadays, almost all subscriber services calculate the amount of energy consumed by consumers independently; it is enough to transfer the data to them. As a rule, data transfer occurs at the end of the month (on the last days). The deadlines for submitting information are set by the subscriber organization. Basically, invoices, in the form of receipts, are processed by computers, based on special computer programs. There are times when even computers make mistakes. Therefore, it is better to monitor how much electricity is consumed monthly. If this is not done in a timely manner, the error can grow into a significant amount, and companies supplying electricity pay off their debts with difficulty.

How to make calculations

To calculate how many kilowatt/hours were consumed during the current accounting period, it is enough to subtract the previous ones from the last readings. The result will be some kind of figure that will reflect the real amount of electricity.

Let's say that the last readings are 6102, and the previous ones correspond to the figure 5842, then 5842 must be subtracted from 6102 and the figure will be 250. Calculations show that 250 kilowatt-hours of electricity were consumed during the current accounting period. To find out how much you will have to pay, just multiply the number 250 by the tariff and you get the amount.

Counters that work for a long time sooner or later reset and mislead the owners. Many people believe that the electric meter has deteriorated, but this is not at all true.

Simply, when rewriting the meter readings, there is a unit in front of all the numbers, even if they are zeros. For example, before this the counter showed the numbers “9988”, and after a while, for example, “0022”. If these readings need to be transferred to the accounting company, you will have to write down “10022”. You will only have to set the unit once, and subsequently you will have to take readings as usual.

Reset counter

Popular models

Let us remind you that the new meter does not change the electrical package. First, as before, you need to report meter readings. When it is transferred to remote reading and they are no longer needed, the electricity distribution company will inform you. When giving readings for the first time, take into account: if the meter is installed on the 25th or later, the data is not transmitted. The electrician fixed them when he installed them.

Electricity meters that transmit readings via the Internet are in demand among the population. We will try to provide an overview of the popular high-quality models and their costs. Let's get to know a few.

Electricity meter with radio module “A1M”

Thanks to its compact dimensions, it can be placed in a small floor or apartment panel. It is single-phase, installed only in a two-wire network with a voltage of 220 V and alternating current.


  1. Transfers the testimony to your personal account.
  2. Changes the tariff plan.
  3. Notifies about problems that have arisen: breakdowns, opening, loss of power.
  4. Transmits data over a radio channel over a distance of 10 km.
  5. Takes into account every kW, reduces losses by up to 4%.
  6. It transmits readings at a speed of 50 bits/sec.
  7. Has a display.
  8. Works in 4 tariffs. There is two-way communication. The forward channel transmits readings about electricity consumption and information about the status of the device, the reverse channel remotely controls the meter.
  9. Equipped with backup battery power, if the external one is turned off, it will continue to work.

The Strizh is not connected to the ASKUE (automated system for commercial metering of electricity), the radio module is already in the device. Used in dachas, cottages, high-rise buildings. Weighs only 450 g. Will last 30 years. The price of an electric meter with remote reading is about 3,500 rubles.

Wifi electric energy meter RS-26

The advantages of such a counter cannot be disputed:

  1. With it you will forget where the electrical panel is.
  2. You don’t have to set up an automatic system for transmitting readings to your phone.
  3. There will be no need to receive meter data via the Internet or mobile phone.
  4. It is installed in an apartment, on a landing, or on the street in a plastic box.

Single-phase two-tariff meter Mercury-200.02

Costs 1,550-1,900 rubles, takes into account consumed electricity at all tariffs. Works autonomously and in ASKUE. Installed indoors. Interfaces are built into the meter. The current supplied is in the range of 5–60 A. The maximum voltage is 230 V.

The meter's memory stores readings for 4 tariffs and the total amount of electricity consumed for 2 years.

Single-phase two-tariff CE102M-S7 Energy meter

Price 1,300-1,600 rubles, measures and accounts for supplied electricity at 4 tariffs, transmits numbers via an interface or RS-485.

Reads readings even if there is no mains voltage, measures and displays parameters. It operates for more than 220,000 hours. The interval between meter verifications is 10 years. On average they last up to 30 years. Warranty – 5 years.

How it differs from others:

  1. Readings are displayed even if there is no voltage.
  2. They measure and display network parameters (voltage, current).
  3. The memory is non-volatile.
  4. There is a backlight.
  5. Resistant to all influences (climatic, mechanical, electromagnetic).
  6. Memory is protected from unauthorized interference.
  7. The meter itself consumes little energy.

Single-tariff (single-phase) will cost less


It is an electronic single-phase single-tariff electric meter with an electromechanical reporting device (OU), installed on a DIN rail, measures electricity in single-phase two-wire AC circuits with a frequency of 50 Hz, cost 690 - 900 rubles.

What are the differences between electronic electricity meters?

Electronic meters differ from induction meters in completely different approaches to calculating consumed electricity. Instead of mechanical displays, they use electronic digital displays, and this display can display not only the amount of energy consumed, but also other data, such as date, time, tariff, etc., every few seconds.

In such models, taking readings comes down to waiting until the required numbers appear on the screen. You don’t have to wait for these numbers to appear, but press a certain button, after which the numbers will immediately appear on the scoreboard. This is especially true in relation to multi-tariff meters, when the cost of daytime, evening or night tariffs is different. In this case, the meter keeps track of energy specifically for each tariff separately, and also shows the total amount of electricity consumed.

In the photo below you can see that on the electricity meter screen you can see the “T1” icon on the left, and slightly to the right the number “72.69”. A little further you can see the designation “kW h.” These figures show how much electricity is consumed at the daily “T1” tariff. After recording these numbers, they are transferred to the subscriber service or used for individual calculations.

Example of two tariff meter readings

Despite the fact that the counter is electronic, whole numbers should be transmitted, without digits after the decimal point. In this case, the counter shows “72.69”, then the number “72” should be transferred to the accounting organization.

Meter "Mercury 200": how readings are taken

Electronic electricity meters "Mercury 200" are available in both single-tariff and multi-tariff types. You can distinguish them by the numbers that come after the decimal point. Single-tariff meters are designated as “Mercury 200.00”, and multi-tariff meters as “Mercury 200. 01, 02 and 03”. That is, the designation may be 01, 02 or 03, which corresponds to the number of zones. At the same time, models are produced without control panels and with control panels.

As a rule, the process of taking readings does not depend on the model, although you will have to press the “Enter” button several times. The main thing is to know which numbers correspond to which zone.

Electricity meters of this model alternately display the time, date, and then tariffs on the electronic display, depending on their coverage area. First of all, the time in the regular tariff is shown, and hours, minutes and seconds can be seen slightly higher. After a few seconds, the date appears on the screen in the usual format: day, month and year.

Mercury 200 time and date

The next stage is information on tariffs. The designations “T1”, “T2”, “T3” or “T4” appear in the left corner and top. The number of these characters depends on the model of the electronic meter. It is at this moment that all readings that relate to the relevant tariffs should be recorded. The whole part of the numbers is written down to the decimal point.

Indications of two tariffs

Once the meter shows all tariffs and the amount of electricity used separately for each tariff, it shows the total amount of kilowatt/hours.

The frequency of displaying this information is about 5-10 seconds. During this time, especially without panic, you can have time to write down all the data. If you can’t do this, you can use the “Enter” button, which is located under the red LED. You need to press the button until the relevant information appears on the display. It is not so difficult.

Using the enter button you can view all meter readings

It is also not difficult to carry out calculations for each zone separately, especially since the calculation procedure is standard: the previous reading is subtracted from the current reading. Regardless of the model of the Mercury electric meter, the steps for taking readings are identical, especially since the location of the buttons is the same.

Mercury 200

Electric energy consumption meters "Energomera"

The technology for taking readings from Energomer's electronic meters, regardless of how many tariffs it calculates, is practically no different. The only difference is that you will have to press not the “Enter” button, since it is not there, but the “PRSM” button, which corresponds to the word “view”. The front panel may have 2 or 3 buttons, depending on the model.

Energy meter Energomera

If you do not press this button, the screen will alternately display numbers corresponding to a specific tariff, which indicate how much electricity has been consumed.

Electronic meters "Mikron"

These electronic devices differ in that they have only one button on the control panel, which, if necessary, must be pressed. As a result of clicking on this button under the designations “T1” or “T2”, “T3” or “T4”, checkmarks begin to appear, and numbers that indicate the consumed kilowatt/hours begin to appear on the right. You need to press several times, how many tariffs exist .

Taking readings from the Micron counter

Electronic meters "Saiman"

Currently, the active replacement of outdated induction meters with electronic ones continues. The most popular counter in this regard is considered to be the counter. The main advantage of such devices is the absence of buttons on the front panel for viewing readings. It is enough to wait a while for the required value to be displayed on the electronic display, after which it is recorded and transferred to special services for further action.

Saiman counter

The counter automatically and alternately displays on its display:

  • Date.
  • Time.
  • Your serial number.
  • Gear ratio (number of pulses per 1 kW* hour).
  • Total – a number corresponding to the current energy consumption. For two-tariff meters - alternately “T1” and “T2”, which corresponds to day and night tariffs.

As a rule, all readings are recorded, including Total, without taking into account the values ​​after the decimal point. In the video you can see how to do everything correctly.

How to take readings from an electric meter - saiman

Antimagnetic seals on electric meters and their features

Some consumers are trying to save money on utility bills by “cheating” the magnetic seal on the electric meter. Most often, neodymium magnets are used for this. With their help, the electromechanical counter stops.

For this reason, regulatory authorities install anti-magnetic seals on consumer electricity meters. Outwardly, they resemble a sticker, but its structure is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. Inside the seal there is a sensor that records magnetic changes. When a certain threshold is crossed, the device is triggered. As a result, when the time comes to verify the electricity meter, an employee of the regulatory authorities will be able to determine the presence of outside interference by the appearance of the device.

The sensor itself is a small capsule filled with a substance that reacts sensitively to the presence of a magnetic field. If such an intervention has taken place, the contents spread throughout the capsule. After this, no means can restore it to its original appearance. A completely colored capsule will indicate that an attempt was made to stop the metering device.

Note! The same thing will happen when you try to tear off the sticker. There are inscriptions hidden under the film coating that cannot be removed when the seal is peeled off.

Anti-magnetic seal for electric meter

How much does it cost to seal an electricity meter?

Sealing is carried out when it is time to replace the electric meter or there is a need for its repair. All costs for servicing the device are covered by the owner, but installation of the seal is performed free of charge. If repairs or replacement of the electric meter are expected, the price is already included in the cost of these procedures. If they resort to sealing again, in this case the service will need to be paid (from 100 to 500 rubles, depending on the region of residence).

Forcing the owner to pay for the initial installation of a seal after the above maintenance is considered illegal. In such cases, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Pay the required amount, immediately receive a receipt confirming the fact of payment with the obligatory indication that the assigned amount was taken specifically for installing the seal. This document may become the basis for filing a complaint with higher regulatory authorities that a fee is illegally charged for the provision of a free service.
  2. File a claim in court.
  3. Submit an application to the service involved in antimonopoly activities (FAS).

Initial sealing of the meter is free of charge

It is worth noting that for household electricity meters the price for installing a seal is low, so the apartment owner independently decides whether to pay for this service or not.

Automatic data transfer

Recently, thanks to the widely developed information network, which operates quite quickly with huge volumes of data, as well as the ability to organize separate communication channels, electronic electricity consumption meters with automatic data transmission have appeared. The only problem is the complexity of installation and configuration, but subscribers do not have to participate in the process of collecting and transmitting data.

Taking CE303 meter readings using the iRZ MC52i-485GI GSM modem (video instructions)

What are the tariff zones (T1, T2, T3)

In multi-tariff meters for metering consumed electricity, the display shows T data, which indicates its phase in the day.

Designations in two-tariff meters:

  • T1 - daily tariff from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • T2 - night, from 23 pm to 7 am.
  • In three-tariff devices, the classification of designations is slightly different:
  • T1 - day phase, paid at the standard rate.
  • T2 - night, tariffs reduced to 70%.
  • T3 is the peak zone, when the cost of a kilowatt of electricity is significantly inflated. Lasts from 7 to 10 am and from 20 to 23 pm.

Three-phase electricity meters

There are 2 types of three-phase devices: direct connection and through current transformers. As a rule, modern 3-phase electronic meters are connected directly without current transformers. The process of taking readings from such meters is identical to that from single-phase ones, since they work according to the same algorithm. As a rule, there are practically no 3-phase consumers in the private sector for domestic needs, and in order to connect 3 phases to your house or apartment, you need to obtain a special permit.

Back in Soviet times, when apartments were built and electric stoves were installed in them, 3 phases were supplied to them. And so, 3-phase meters are installed at industrial enterprises and other institutions, as well as business structures.

If you plan to consume a lot of electrical energy, then you cannot do without current transformers in any case. To correctly calculate the consumed electricity, you need to know the transformation ratio of the current transformers. After this, the readings on the display must be multiplied by the transformation ratio. The result will be the sum of the actual electrical energy consumption.

In any case, you need to familiarize yourself with the agreement, which necessarily outlines the calculation scheme, indicating the transformation ratio, tariffs, etc.

We take readings from a multi-tariff meter

Multi-tariff electricity meters are a great opportunity to consume electricity more rationally and save on bills. This is possible due to different prices for electricity for different times of the day. To correctly take readings from a multi-tariff meter, you need to go through several steps:

  1. To take readings, you need to press the “Enter” button and write down all the readings of tariffs T1, T2 and T3 in turn.
  2. You need to subtract the current data from the previous T1 readings (at the time of payment) and multiply the difference by the tariff in force in the region during peak hours. These hours are considered to be the following periods: 07:00−10:00 and 17:00−21:00, local time for each region.
  3. T2 data are indications of the night period, namely 23:00−07:00. The tariff may be different in each region. To calculate consumed electricity and pay, you need to perform the same operations as in the previous paragraph.
  4. T3 is data from half-peak hours, namely 10:00-17:00 and 21:00-23:00. Calculations are made in the same way as described above for other tariffs.
  5. Now you need to summarize all the received data according to three tariffs, subtract the amount of benefits (if any), fill out a receipt and pay at any branch of Sberbank or Russian Post.

Multi-tariff meters are more expensive than other metering devices, but they quickly pay for themselves

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