Cables and devices
Transistors: circuit, principle of operation, how bipolar and field-effect ones differ The transistor is ubiquitous and important
Unbalance of three-phase voltages and currents Unbalanced modes are caused by three reasons: unequal loads of the phases of the elements
A microwave transformer is an important link in the chain that generates microwave radiation. This is a mains voltage converter up to
Design and principle of operation A diode bridge is an electronic circuit assembled on the basis of rectifiers
It’s great if your TV works well and you have something to do on long evenings,
Electrical supply by air Self-supporting insulated wire The air supply method is the most optimal, it
If you find yourself in a situation where the issue of electrification of your suburban area is being decided, then for sure
With the introduction of multi-tariff meters, citizens quickly tried to switch to them. Indeed, such
Regular cleaning of the house with a vacuum cleaner allows you to create a special atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort,
Sooner or later, any owner of this device will have to replace a burnt-out heating element in a storage electric boiler.