Reprogramming, flashing of electricity meters

Reprogramming the counters will be necessary if they are not operating correctly according to timing parameters or if there are failures. Changing the program applies only to digital devices, especially relevant for multi-tariff models. Reprogramming cannot be done independently, as it will require breaking the seals. They attract energy sales or enterprises with a license. The electricity supplier (sales company) must be notified, as it carries out inspection, sealing, and approval for operation.

When is reprogramming required?

The first programming of electricity meters is carried out according to the standards adopted for the whole country or individual regions, taking into account their time zones or features of electricity metering, at the manufacturing plants. It’s extremely rare, but standards can change, and then a change or update of the algorithm is required.

Flashing applies only to digital meters that are equipped with a microcircuit with microcontrollers, memory, and other electronic components.

Three situations when reprogramming electricity meters is required:

  • changes in accounting rules, especially those related to time parameters. Globally, the last time an event was required was in 2011, when it was decided not to switch to winter time, and since 2014 the country has remained on it. Multi-tariff models had to be rebuilt so that there was no automatic seasonal transition. The difference is 1 hour, but this significantly affects the load;
  • program failure when the meter incorrectly displays consumption, does not perform the intended scope of functions, for example, does not send indicators remotely, does not notify about its status;
  • transition from single to multi-tariff mode or vice versa for a meter that is not manufactured specifically for such an option, but allows it when flashed.

After the changes according to Resolution N 554, “smart” meters will be gradually introduced, and these are only digital models with electronics; in some cases, only the counting mechanism (with a disk, wheels with numbers) can remain mechanical. The relevance of flashing or changing the program will be higher, since measures will be required for every failure or breakdown that affects the correctness of accounting.

Transition to single- and multi-tariff mode

Most often, reprogramming of electric meters will be required when switching to single or multi-tariff plans. The measure is required because the way the device accounts for the resource changes: during the day it is more expensive, at night the price decreases.

If the product is initially multi-tariff, then you just need to connect to it and change the setting. But there are single-tariff models that can be “converted” for the specified mode. It is in the latter case, when the device for one accounting order, but after changing the program can work according to two or more algorithms, will require a complete flashing. Of course, first of all, you need to find out from the energy sales office whether it will seal it and allow it to operate after the improvement.


The service for reprogramming electricity meters is paid. All expenses for this procedure are borne by the owner of the apartment. The price depends on the type of device, as well as the region. Changing program settings in a single-phase device varies between 2,000 - 3,000 rubles. The cost of reflashing a three-phase meter can range from 2,500 to 5,500 rubles.

Therefore, before calling a technician, it’s worth calculating: it may be easier and cheaper to buy a new, normally working device than to reprogram the old one.

If the electric meter is the property of a company that provides energy, then no money is taken from the apartment owner for reprogramming the device. But this does not apply to situations where the user decided to switch from multi-tariff accounting to single-tariff accounting or vice versa.


Making adjustments to the work, setting up a different tariff regime with your own hands is possible, but only if this can be done without removing the seals and the contract for the provision of residential complex services does not contain a prohibition. Otherwise, you need to write an application to the energy sales office for unsealing and order the service.

In all cases, it is necessary to notify the electricity supplier (with a work report, application) so that the credentials can be changed.

Re-flashing of electricity meters can be done if the consumer knows how to use specific software. This product is not a very complicated minicomputer, which just needs to be accessed through a special program.

Almost always, the meter connectors are placed in such a way that it is impossible to connect to it without breaking the seals, and the consumer does not have the right to remove them himself. It is extremely rare to find models that allow manipulation without breaking the seals.

Let us describe such a case and immediately warn you that independent actions are not recommended for the following reasons:

  • there is no confidence that everything will be done correctly;
  • energy sales may consider such interference a violation and refuse to allow the device to operate;
  • if this is a planned procedure, for example, when changing temporary transitions, then there is no point in doing it yourself: usually everything should be carried out by the sales company for free.

How to reprogram an electric meter yourself

For example, after October 26, 2014 (the moment when the country switched to winter time), it was necessary to reprogram the product: connect to it, disable seasonal auto-change by removing the check mark in the program menu. After this, the consumer drew up an act and submitted it to the Criminal Code and Housing Office. What was described concerned models released before 2011, since they have auto-transition enabled (as indicated in the passport).

If the meter was manufactured after June 2011, then the above option is disabled. This is stated in its technical documentation (highlighted in red). After October 26, 2014, the switch to winter mode took place - it was necessary to adjust the product time back 1 hour. After this, the actions were similar: they submitted a report to the management company.

How to reprogram yourself:

  1. Download software from official Internet resources, find passwords for it (you can search on forums) for your existing model.
  2. Find the appropriate connector on the case, for example, RS-232 (adapters for connection may be required).
  3. Connect from a PC or laptop on which the above software is installed, change the program.

The terms of participation

The competition took place over two days. On the first day there were qualifying competitions. Each participant, when connected to the stand network, received access to all the equipment of two houses, a substation and a charging station. Participants had the opportunity to examine the equipment, find vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Throughout the day, new tips were periodically added to the competition’s internal portal, allowing participants to discover weaknesses in the booth equipment. Participants who achieved success on the stand on the first day were invited to participate in the final tournament on the second day. The finale was a duel of sorts. Two participants were invited to the stand, each of whom had their own home. Their task is to deceive the counters by any means during a ten-minute round and generate more energy than their opponent - a conditional neighbor. The winner was the one who had the largest personal account balance at the end of the competition. At the same time, the task was complicated by the fact that the participants had access to each other’s equipment, which meant the opportunity to harm their neighbor and underestimate his results.

How to reprogram an electric meter through energy sales

It is necessary to distinguish between a complete flashing, updating the program in the event of failures, and disabling/enabling certain functions, for example, temporary auto-transitions. However, this is not particularly important if specialists are involved: the contractor will carry out diagnostics in any case and will do everything that is required.


  1. Submitting an application to energy sales (in person, through the company’s website, by phone).
  2. Payment, agreement on the date of arrival of the specialist.
  3. The master removes the seal.
  4. It may be necessary to stop the operation of the device using a special device (pulse device).
  5. Connecting a laptop to the meter via a special data cable and adapter.
  6. Download a driver, program, or make the required settings.
  7. Checking, diagnostics.
  8. Re-flashed devices are sealed.

Who is authorized to program electricity meters?

Only the following entities are authorized to program and record meters:

  • energy sales workers;
  • Homeowners' associations, management companies, if their staff includes relevant specialists or if the organization cooperates with them, attracting, if necessary, for such work;
  • private licensed firms.

The firmware itself is carried out using special equipment or a regular laptop with the appropriate software connected to the product’s port. Then the old one is reset/updated, loaded into the electric meter and the new program or changes made are launched.

Changing the program can be done on an already connected electric meter located in the panel, or on a removed device, for example, for verification. The event takes 10–20 minutes.

If the consumer decides to turn to small offices and individuals offering the service at a low cost, the following actions are recommended:

  • carefully check their documents, licenses, make sure the energy sales office is aware of the possibility of attracting such performers;
  • conclude an agreement providing for the provision of a certificate of reprogramming of the metering device. This paper must be submitted to the servicing electricity supplier for sealing in order to make changes to the tariff agreement.

Questionable companies often use non-factory software, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Working with energy sales and contractors

If you decide to involve a third-party licensed company, then in all cases, to avoid misunderstandings, you should report the event to the sales company: it should be informed first of all manipulations affecting the meters. However, usually such enterprises work with energy sales; their package of services includes all organizational measures. The same applies if the procedure is handled by the management company, homeowners association, housing office - just submit an application to them for the service.

Performers must have a license and permits (energy sales have them by default). When using third-party organizations, you should carefully check whether they are authorized to carry out the work described.

Residents can contact their management companies on the issue under consideration if the list of their services contains items related to electric meters. The easiest way is to contact the energy supply directly and apply for a specialist to come out to reprogram the electric meter.

What documents are issued to the consumer?

The user is given a certificate of work performed, which indicates the dates, time of reprogramming and installation of the seal, for what purpose the measure was carried out, and by whom it was carried out. The document must contain clauses on permission to operate, which can also be issued on a separate paper. It is advisable to keep the receipt for payment for the service or a copy thereof.

At whose expense is the replacement?

This is not an easy question, let's try to figure it out. First of all, there is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 530 (who doesn’t believe me, it’s easy to check, paragraphs 139, 140), which directly states that if the meter (and, in general, an electrical panel with automatic machines) is installed inside the apartment, then it is the responsibility to maintain it and replacement is the responsibility of the apartment owner.

Well, if the meter (and everything that goes with it) is installed on the landing, then this property is serviced by a management company. And the counter in this case is no different from the canopy over the entrance. You can check this in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491, clause 7.

But all these are special cases, that is, the procedure according to the law. It also states that contracts may stipulate something completely different. Therefore, if the management company demands that the meter be replaced at your expense, request the appropriate agreement and check whether it has your signature.

In private houses the situation is slightly different. It is clear that electricity is stolen in the private sector incomparably more than in apartments. But the requirement to place the meter on the facade of the house or even on the fence is not entirely legal, and is fraught with technical difficulties.

Therefore, energy supply companies themselves, at their own expense, install meters on poles. The readings are either taken visually or remotely, for example through ASKUE. Currently, when re-registering the owner or putting an object into operation, installing a meter on a pole or facade is mandatory, although people are resisting.

Meter in a private house. The main thing is that the fillings are in place

How much does it cost to reprogram a meter?

Government Decree No. 554 of April 18, 2020 introduced changes according to which the consumer does not have to pay for the maintenance and servicing of meters from July 1, 2022; the price of the service is included in the tariff. Many aspects of changes have not yet been perfected, but so far free procedures are only planned, in case of equipment breakdown. Re-flashing when switching to other tariffs at the consumer's request remains free of charge.

Approximate cost to reprogram the electricity meter: 2000–2900 rubles. for single-phase models and 2500–5400 rub. for three-phase. Rates can be found on the websites of energy companies. Sometimes the price lists for reflashing electric meters include items under the general title “installation”, “maintenance”, so you need to check by phone, in the support service via the website or in person.

Five important answers, or what Uzbeks need to know about new electricity meters

Uzbekistan, Tashkent - AN
The Ministry of Energy has prepared answers to the most common questions asked by consumers who are installing new electricity meters, reports a correspondent.

– Who is the manufacturer of the meters, what is their warranty?

– The meter manufacturer is a joint venture Elektron Xisoblagich. This company was founded in 2004. The manufacturer's warranty is 18 months from the start of operation. All meters are produced in Uzbekistan, some of them are exported to neighboring countries.

A passport and instructions are attached to each metering device in the state or Russian languages.

– How can you check the serviceability and accuracy of the meter?

– The certification company “Uzstandard” is responsible for the measurement accuracy of the metering device. Each metering device is tested using high-precision equipment without human intervention. There is also a reliable system of protection against hacking and cyber attacks for both the metering device and the data processing center.

If you want to check the meter yourself at Uzstandard, submit a written application to your energy supply organization, whose specialists will remove it and give it to you. You can contact any convenient branch of Uzstandard for examination. If the meteorological examination shows that the meter is not operating correctly, you will transfer the results of the examination to the electricity supply organization, which will be obliged to recalculate and return the money you spent on the examination.

– What errors occur when the meter operates?

– Errors can be of the following types: “red lights come on” and “crossed out palm” lights up

The red light coming on means the terminal block cover is open, the subscriber has been disconnected for debt, the presence of differential current and the presence of a bypass line.

The crossed out palm lights up when the meter cover, terminal block cover, modem cover is opened, exposure to a magnetic field.

In all these cases, the consumer must contact his energy supply organization.

– My network voltage is low. How does consumption change at a voltage of 170/180. How does consumption change when using stabilizers? Why should the consumer pay extra for undervoltage?

– High or low voltage does not in any way affect the measurement accuracy of the electricity meter. The range of maximum operating voltage is from 161 to 276 of the rated voltage.

Based on the laws of physics, as the voltage decreases, the current increases proportionally, therefore, consumption will not change. When installing stabilizers, consumption increases based on the efficiency of the stabilizer, for example, if there is a 1 kW stabilizer with an efficiency of 95%, then at load it will consume 1 kWh + 5%, and also at idle the stabilizer consumes energy based on its technical data.

The EX18 type electricity meter records active and reactive energy in the forward and reverse directions. The consumer pays only for the active energy he uses in the forward direction. Reactive energy is not taken into account when paying.

– What electricity parameters does the meter take into account? How to recognize them by pressing a button?

T1/T2/T3/T4 is energy calculation at tariffs from 1 to 4, based on the time of day. This feature is not currently used. In the future, it is planned to introduce division into time zones, in which there will be different prices for electricity at different times of the day. This calculation is already applied to legal subscribers with connected power above 750 kVA.

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Who has the right to do this

Only employees of the following organizations can reprogram the meter:

  • Representative of Energosbyt;
  • HOA employee;
  • A private company that has a license to carry out such work.

The procedure itself is simple and will not take more than 15 minutes. The technician removes the seal and connects the laptop to the meter via a special driver. Performs its diagnostics and flashing. Next, he seals the device again. After this, the owner of the apartment must be given a certificate of work done, and the meter is considered to be put back into operation.

Independent reprogramming of the metering device is prohibited. Firstly, this work will require special software and hardware. Secondly, the user does not have the right to independently remove seals and change the settings of the electric meter. If you try to reconfigure the software yourself, the apartment owner will be fined.

Need for surgery

It's no secret that electricity tariffs differ day and night. This is due to a decrease in the load on the power grid due to the cessation of operation of large consumers: trolleybuses, trams, metro and others.

To ensure that electricity does not stand idle, from 23:00 to 7:00 am tariffs for the use of electricity for the population are significantly lower. This allows many families to save money: it is enough to transfer large expenditures of electricity to the night.

Due to the constant transition to winter and summer time, two-tariff and three-tariff electricity meters have a built-in function for automatically shifting the meter according to time transitions. This was beneficial to everyone: both energy suppliers, who continued to work as usual, and consumers, who tried to save money.

But in 2011, there was a refusal to switch to winter time, then in 2014, all of Russia, on the contrary, switched to permanent winter time.

And although, from the point of view of many researchers, the transition was absolutely justified and brought only benefits, the owners of the meters were not particularly happy: after all, the devices continued to switch to winter and summer time if they were not reprogrammed.

However, the owners also had to split up:

  1. If the meter was recently installed and was released after June 2011 (when the first final transition to daylight saving time occurred), then the device does not initially have a transition function. You can check this using the manual or data sheet. In this case, you need to invite a specialist and move the arrows once.
  2. If the device was manufactured before July 2011, it must have a transition function. If in 2011 the owner already called a specialist and turned it off, you need to contact the company again and reset the switch again.
  3. If the meter was produced before 2011, but for some reason the owner did not turn it off, you must wait until the device switches over to winter time (this happens at 2 a.m. on October 26) and invite a technician.

Please note: when reprogramming the electric meter, the device itself does not change, only the clock is changed. The meter may not be transferred if the difference in tariffs is not fundamental. You can also adjust the time you use electricity in accordance with the time set on the device in one direction or another

In any case, when replacing the device, it will be configured correctly

You can also adjust the time you use electricity in accordance with the time set on the device in one direction or another. In any case, when replacing the device, it will be configured correctly

The meter may not be transferred if the difference in tariffs is not fundamental. You can also adjust the time you use electricity in accordance with the time set on the device in one direction or another. In any case, when replacing the device, it will be configured correctly.

You may be interested in an article about Mercury two-tariff electricity meters. Read the article on the procedure for replacing an old electricity meter with a new one here.

Mercury 200

Programming the Mercury 200 meter allows you to organize differentiated metering according to four tariffs, creating a schedule for each day of the week and for each month. You can create a holiday schedule and transmit the following data via the CAN interface: the amount of electricity accounted for each tariff, the amount of tariffs, as well as instantaneous current, voltage and power values.

Mercury 200 is able to control the load power, and, if the specified settings are exceeded, it can transfer the pulse output to a high impedance state.

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