Modern lamps for creating street lighting must meet basic requirements: be bright, durable, and energy-saving.
For this lesson in the “Arduino for Beginners” course, we have already learned what a microcontroller is, studied
LED sources have a lot of advantages, so we can safely assume that after another decade, almost
The most unpleasant thing that can happen to the automatic protective circuit of an electrical circuit is that it will not work.
Incandescent lamps have been used by humans for more than a hundred years as the main lighting device for
Before considering the technical characteristics of a 250 W HPS lamp, you should understand what constitutes
Traditional incandescent lamps (LON) A device of this type consists of a base where the contacts are located, a fuse,
Emission spectrum [edit | edit code ] Mercury vapor emits the following spectral lines,
Advantages of installing lighting in a closet Cabinet lighting performs two functions at once: practical and decorative.
Most often, you may encounter the question of why the LED lamp is blinking after repair or