Electrician safety precautions when working with electricity

According to statistics, about 12-15% of fatal accidents are associated with violations of safety regulations when working with various types of electrical equipment. It should be noted that in everyday life such incidents have recently occurred more often than in production, where personnel must undergo appropriate training in order to obtain permission to work. As for users of household appliances, some of them do not even have basic knowledge of safety precautions. Let's remember the general rules based on excerpts from PTE and PTB.

Measures for safe work performance

Safety regulations when working on electrical installations provide for a number of organizational measures that are aimed at their strict compliance:

  • work within the framework of ordinary operation of electrical units is documented in orders, orders or lists;
  • preparation of the work area and access to it is issued with the appropriate permit;
  • To carry out work manipulations, permission is required in accordance with the assigned electrical safety group;
  • provision of insurance and control during the period of work;
  • official registration of the beginning and end of a break in work, as well as their complete completion or transfer of the team to another site.

The document defines the circle of workers who are responsible for the safety of work processes at electrical installations:

  • those signing permit orders, issuing orders or certifying a list of work on the current use of electrical units (the required electrical safety clearance group is 4-5) - they are required to first assess the need to perform the work and the possibility of its safe implementation; the composition of the teams, the selection of the supervisor and work contractor and preliminary briefing must meet safety requirements;
  • permitting the preparation of work areas (access group - 4-5 or administrative and technical employees authorized by order of the enterprise management) - are responsible for the timely and safe disconnection of electrical equipment from the network and its grounding, coordinating working hours and the location of operational teams, accounting for teams and their members, tracking information about the timing of current manipulations and the time of supplying voltage to electrical installations;
  • designated responsible work managers (access groups - 4-5, are appointed when using various mechanisms and lifts, de-energizing electrical equipment, on cable communication lines near transport highways, on newly launched overhead lines or their phase repairs, when working with induced voltage and in a number of other cases) - are required to monitor the implementation of the stages of preparation of the workplace, the sufficiency and correctness of instructions to team members, the general safety of working moments, and take additional electrical safety measures;
  • those allowed to work (member of electrical technical personnel with access group 3-4) - bears responsibility for the sufficiency of safety measures, their compliance with the permit or order, the requirements of upcoming manipulations on electrical equipment, the correctness and scope of the instructions provided;
  • direct performers (electrical approval group - 3-4) - are responsible for the correctly prepared work area, the presence, sufficiency and serviceability of individual and general electrical protective equipment, tools and devices, visual information in the form of safety icons or warning posters, fencing of dangerous places, for following safety rules for all team members and control over the safety of their actions during the work process;
  • observers in teams (electrical admission group - 3) - monitor the compliance of the work area with safety measures; clarity and sufficiency of preliminary briefing; safety of locks on drives, fences and grounding devices; protection of workers from electrical injuries;
  • All employees - members of the team carrying out routine work on electrical installations are required to comply with safety regulations, instructions and instructions regarding the safety of their labor.

The admitter may also be a member of the work team. In general, for each employee of a brigade team with the 3rd electrical safety group, you can hire one worker with the 2nd group, but in total no more than three such workers are allowed.

Employer Responsibilities

Sign of the responsible manager
First of all, responsibility for compliance with electrical safety rules at the enterprise lies with its managers, therefore they are required to know the specified standards. Their activities include:

  1. Maintaining electrical installations in working order and in good condition so that they meet safety requirements and are not a source of emergency;
  2. Monitoring equipment maintenance, as well as timely changes to technical documentation and electrical installation passports;
  3. Conducting electrical safety briefings among workers and maintenance personnel, selecting employees with the required qualifications, as well as certifying them for compliance with the required clearance category;
  4. Notifying control authorities about the occurrence of an emergency, promptly making decisions to localize and eliminate the accident. At the same time, the authorized person conducts an investigation of the incident, draws conclusions and provides them to the management of the enterprise;
  5. Development of job descriptions, evacuation plans and algorithms for employee actions during industrial accidents;
  6. Installation and provision of protective devices for equipment, machines and electrical installations. The manager’s responsibilities also include providing personal protective equipment to workers involved in the repair and installation of electrical installations;
  7. Carrying out and monitoring the testing of repaired or newly installed equipment, putting it into operation;
  8. Compliance with the instructions of state control bodies and departmental institutions.

All of the listed responsibilities of the management team of the enterprise are basic and are included in the collection of rules on electrical safety and labor protection.

Actions in the absence of fuses

In some cases, when working with electricity, additional technical measures are required. This situation may arise if the device does not have standard or additional fuses that would protect it from power surges. In this case, it is imperative to de-energize the installation and check the presence of voltage before carrying out work.

The absence of fuses means the danger of a short circuit during voltage surges, since it is the fuse that takes on excess voltage during a technical failure. In its absence, a short circuit results in equipment failure, which can lead to both a fire inside the device and injury to operating personnel.

Important! Recording and checking the technical condition of a device with missing fuses must be carried out under the strict supervision of a responsible electrical safety specialist, since such installations represent a source of increased danger

Direct implementation of technical and routine work on installations with voltages over 1000 V


  • Dulitsky G. A., Komarevtsev A. P.
    Electrical safety during the operation of electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. Handbook. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1988.
  • Korablev V.P.
    Electrical safety in questions and answers. - M., Moscow worker, 1988. - 301 p.
  • IEC 60050-195:1998. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Part 195: Earthing and protection against electric shock. Edition 1.0. – Geneva: IEC, 1998‑08.
  • IEC 60364-1:2005. Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions. Edition 1.0. – Geneva: IEC, 2005‑11.
  • IEC 60364-4-41:2005. Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 4-41: Protection for safety. Protection against electric shock. Edition 5.0. – Geneva: IEC, 2005-12.
  • IEC 60364-4-41-am1:2017. Low-voltage electrical installations. Part 4-41: Protection for safety. Protection against electric shock. Edition 5.0. Amendment 1. – Geneva: IEC, 2017-03.
  • IEC 61140:2016. Protection against electric shock. Common aspects for installation and equipment. Edition 4.0. – Geneva: IEC, 2016-01.
  • GOST R IEC 60050-195–2005. Grounding and protection against electric shock. Terms and Definitions.
  • GOST 30331.1–2013 (IEC 60364-1:2005). Low voltage electrical installations. Part 1. Basic provisions, assessment of general characteristics, terms and definitions.
  • GOST R 50571.3–2009 (IEC 60364-4-41:2005). Low voltage electrical installations. Part 4-41. Security requirements. Protection against electric shock.
  • GOST IEC 61140–2012. Protection against electric shock. General safety provisions for installations and equipment.

Activities prior to working with power tools

In accordance with mandatory safety requirements, before operating a power tool it is necessary to check:

  • reliable fastening of all parts and their completeness;
  • integrity of electrical components: power cable, plug, insulation of main parts of the case (checking is carried out by external inspection);
  • the performance of the gearbox (the spindle rotates several times when the power is off);
  • hull integrity;
  • operation in idle mode;
  • presence of grounding (this requirement applies only to class 1).

If high-altitude work is to be done, the reliability of the scaffolding (including decking and scaffolding) and the presence of enclosing structures are checked. According to safety rules, in this case it is strictly forbidden to use ladders.

Key Concepts

Electrical safety in an enterprise and production is one of the most important factors for employees performing electrical installation work or associated with the operation of electrical tools, apparatus and equipment. More specifically, electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures that are aimed at protecting workers from the effects of various electric shocks.

Ensuring electrical safety measures

Note! When organizing electrical safety, you should rely on several important documents, the main ones being the PUE and the Rules for occupational safety and operation of electrical installations. Compliance with these rules should apply even to non-electrical employees and even to legal entities and individuals who work in the field of servicing electrical devices and equipment

Any company and organization must monitor compliance with all measures and instructions that relate to electrical safety in the workplace, otherwise they face a fine

Compliance with these rules should apply even to non-electrical employees and even to legal entities and individuals who work in the field of servicing electrical apparatus and equipment. Any company and organization must monitor compliance with all measures and instructions that relate to electrical safety in the workplace, otherwise they face a fine.

Rules for electrical installations

Electrical Hazards

When working with electricity, the damaging factor for humans is electric current. In physics, the strength of an electric current is denoted by the letter I and measured in amperes (A). Its effect on the body depends on the resistance of the human body, the magnitude of the current, its frequency, and the time a person spends in the danger zone.

Body resistance

Resistance is designated by the letter R and is measured in ohms.

For the body, this value depends on many factors, which include:

  • condition of the skin (cleanliness, thickness, moisture, etc.);
  • state of the body (fatigue, soreness reduce resistance);
  • affected areas;
  • paths for current passing through a person, etc.

In people with rough, thick and dry skin, the resistance can reach 100-200 kOhm (1 kOhm = 1000 Ohm), but if the skin is thin and moist, then the resistance drops sharply and can be 30-50 kOhm. Children's body resistance is much less than that of adults, so the consequences for them can be more dangerous.

The affected area may increase depending on what kind of shoes the person is wearing at the time, as well as what base he was on at the time of exposure. If the sole of the shoe is made of dielectric, and the person is on a dry wooden surface, then the resistance will be much higher than if at the time of the injury he is without shoes or in a damp room.

Current strength

For humans, a current value of 100 mA or more is considered fatal. Such exposure can cause respiratory paralysis. Under the influence of a current of 50 to 100 mA, the victim may lose consciousness. Smaller currents can cause discomfort, as well as temporary paralysis of muscles, including the heart.

If I = 10-15 mA, then a person often cannot free himself from this influence on his own, which is why he is called “non-releasing.”

Since in everyday life we ​​use wiring with a voltage of 220V and a frequency of 50Hz, then, knowing the approximate resistance of the body, we can use Ohm’s law:

I = U/R,

determine the current strength passing through the human body.

Attention! If a person is tired or sick, then a small voltage of 125V or even less can lead to serious electrical damage to the victim. As the frequency of alternating current increases, the threshold for the current strength leading to electrical injury to a person increases

When struck by high-frequency currents, a person may not even feel the painful effects. However, with prolonged exposure to current frequencies of 30 MHz and above, body temperature, fatigue, and headaches appear.

As the frequency of alternating current increases, the threshold for the current strength leading to electrical injury to a person increases. When struck by high-frequency currents, a person may not even feel the painful effects. However, with prolonged exposure to current frequencies of 30 MHz and above, body temperature, fatigue, and headaches appear.

Instructions for labor protection when performing electrical installation work in existing electrical installations

Local regulations of a manufacturing enterprise are valid on the territory of the organization itself and apply either to all employees or to a certain group of officials to whom they are addressed. One of the most important acts in the company is the instruction on labor protection for electricians or other specialties who are directly involved in this type of work.

State acts to ensure the safety of employees during activities related to electricity pay special attention, regardless of the typical profession, be it an auto electrician, a high-altitude worker, an electrician, an electrician of electrical equipment, a network electrician, a premises repair electrician.

Basic safety when handling electrical installations during the work process

As a rule, all these professions are directly related to the negative impact of electric current and in order to minimize the possibility of negative consequences, it is imperative to create a special internal document and comply with special regulations, which are safety precautions when performing electrical installation work. Such a document contains a list of requirements for behavior, as well as sections on the safety of labor activities in the field of legal relations.

Important! In addition, during inspection actions by government agencies, it is mandatory to check the presence of such instructions and the procedure for implementing its instructions. If violations are detected against officials, administrative violation protocols are drawn up

A stand describing the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the labor process

General safety requirements

The general provisions of the document contain standard requirements and take into account the specifics of the organization in this area. According to these rules, the working day procedure, the use of certain protective equipment, the status of the employee himself, the receipt of equipment during the work process, new legislation on labor protection, as well as the procedure for setting up and servicing entrusted equipment are determined.

Safety requirements before starting work

Before starting any work involving exposure to electric current, the employee must be briefed on safety precautions at work. Instruction is especially important when carrying out adjustment and commissioning types of work that are associated with new or repaired equipment. After carrying out such activities, the worker puts a special mark in the logbook.

Basic requirements for a worker when working with electricity

Safety requirements during operation

During work activities, the employee is obliged to comply with instructions and labor safety rules, be sure to use all protective equipment and avoid emergency situations. He must also be guided by the orders of management for carrying out routine maintenance.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

In the event of an emergency, the worker is obliged to report this fact to the work supervisor, use primary protective equipment to minimize the consequences of the accident, provide assistance to the injured, or, in a certain situation, leave the work site through special emergency exits.

Typical protective equipment when working with live installations

Safety requirements upon completion of work

At the end of their work, the working personnel must notify management of its completion and hand over the used protective equipment, as well as insulation equipment, for signature, and note it in the work log.

Prevention of electrical injuries

A set of organizational and technical means and measures designed for work safety is the basis for the prevention of electrical injuries.

The theoretical part includes regulated actions during equipment operation and repair work, including measures aimed at preventing electrical injuries. Many years of international experience in the operation of electrical installations and safety accumulated by different countries are briefly summarized in this material.

Personnel decide everything, therefore it is necessary to attract qualified personnel for work in electrical installations. Annual electrical safety exams for groups make it possible to reduce the risks of emergency situations and incidents. The issuance of work orders to teams when working on electrical installations up to 1000 V is carried out by an authorized person with an electrical safety permit of at least group 4; when working on electrical installations above 1000 V - group 5. All regulations for organizational measures are prescribed in the safety regulations and individual parts of the document describing the protective equipment used in electrical installations.

Technical measures require implementation in a strict sequence, since they are associated with complete or partial stress relief:

  • measures to prevent spontaneous switching on of equipment or voltage supply as a result of erroneous actions or human factor
  • placement of special prohibiting, warning, or ordering posters or barriers in required work areas
  • grounding the necessary equipment of electrical installations in accordance with safety rules, only after disconnecting the voltage of the current-carrying parts of the installations.

Technical and organizational measures working together can significantly reduce electrical injuries thanks to safety precautions. In addition to preventing accidents by turning off the voltage supply, with the help of protective equipment (grounding and grounding), the protection of personnel working with live installations is ensured.

However, even these measures are not enough to completely eliminate the occurrence of accidents when working with electrical installations. Accidents, at home and at work, are not isolated.

Average statistical figures regarding serious safety violations directly influenced by the human factor and indiscipline of workers in Russia fluctuate around 80%. It is worthy of attention that these violations are created by experienced workers.


  1. A significant reduction in injuries when working with electrical installations can be achieved only with full compliance with the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” and compliance with safety precautions by workers with the necessary permission.
  2. Only by having statistical data on an incident involving electrical injury to a person can one identify the cause of electrical injury and take measures to prevent such injuries in the future.

Safety regulations in industrial production

Compliance with safety precautions at industrial facilities when working with electricity is an integral part of the entire production process. In case of non-compliance with these norms and rules, the administration of the enterprise may impose penalties in the form of deprivation of monetary remuneration or the imposition of a fine. If accidents occur, those responsible may be subject to administrative or criminal liability. That is why, when working with electricity, employees must strictly follow safety regulations:

  1. Persons with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills who have received documentary evidence of this in the form of education diplomas are allowed to work with electric current;
  2. Persons who have been trained and certified in safety precautions are allowed to work with electric current, which must be confirmed by an appropriate certificate and an entry in the safety log indicating the name, position and date of the instruction and passing the exam. Everything must be confirmed by the personal signature of the employee being examined;

Logbook for registration of safety briefings when working with electric current

  1. All employees are certified, regardless of position. Team leaders who do not have direct contact with electric current during the production process bear full responsibility for their subordinates performing the work;
  2. It is forbidden to start work without wearing a special protective uniform;
  3. Electrical equipment must be grounded and suitable for the work being performed;
  4. It is prohibited to use electric tools in places with a high degree of fire and explosive areas that do not have the appropriate protection class;
  5. The use of faulty electrical equipment is prohibited;
  6. It is prohibited for strangers to be in the danger zone during work;
  7. When working in a damp environment (indoors or outdoors), it is permitted to use a tool with the appropriate protection class, which must be confirmed by a certain sticker on the device body:
  • Protection class 1 is intended for work in safe rooms;
  • Tool protection class 2 can be used both indoors and outdoors in areas with increased danger;
  • The 3rd protection class allows the equipment to be used in particularly dangerous places.
  1. Before starting the work process, the integrity of electrical devices, wires, adapters and sockets is inspected: for the presence of grounding cables, absence of damage to the housing. Idle operation is checked. Only after this is power supplied to the installation;
  2. When changing nozzles and spare parts of equipment, before starting the process, the entire installation must be de-energized;
  3. When working with particularly powerful mobile electrical installations, the use of specialized wires with the necessary flexibility and degree of protection from mechanical stress, grounding and RCD is required.

Entry from the magazine on safety precautions when working with electric current

Compliance with safety precautions when working with electric current plays a huge role, both in the industrial sphere and in the life processes of every person, regardless of age range, because not only health, but life depends on it. Therefore, an equally important factor is the knowledge of the correct operation of electrical equipment and the ability to provide first aid if necessary.

Particular attention is paid to this issue in large enterprises, where annual seminars are held with practical and theoretical tasks for employees on the subject of first aid, as well as consideration of behavior in the event of critical situations at work.

Providing first aid to the victim

An equally important factor is compliance with safety standards in everyday life when operating household appliances. Compliance with basic rules can eliminate the occurrence of dangerous situations, preserving the life and health of a person and the people around him at a critical moment.

Preventive measures

For normal operation of home and industrial equipment, it is necessary to take some preventive measures. These are also included in the electrical safety rules:

  1. it is necessary to adhere to all the information specified in the instructions supplied with the device;
  2. the equipment is connected to a grounded network;
  3. provide differential protection in bathrooms and children's rooms, separately install differential circuit breakers for boilers, dishwashers and washing machines;
  4. periodically check the serviceability of all devices, sockets, inspect the insulation of wires and the integrity of the housing;
  5. Do not use extension cords or carriers with damaged cords and plugs;
  6. devices are not disconnected from the socket by wires;
  7. portable lamps do not illuminate rooms with high humidity;
  8. lamps of permissible power are screwed into the chandeliers, otherwise the plastic parts may melt;
  9. do not leave lamp sockets hanging on the wires, as over time they begin to spark.

It is necessary to adhere to all rules for safe work with electric current. This helps to avoid injuries and accidents, and also extends the life of the devices. Preventive measures will protect all family members from the negative effects of electricity and will allow problems to be resolved in a timely manner.

Basic safety rules at home

  1. When working in wet areas, you must use a rubber mat and gloves;
  2. Before connecting a new electrical device to the network, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow all instructions for its operation;
  3. Avoid all dangling power lines, do not touch them under any circumstances, and do not approach transformer installations;
  4. When operating industrial and household equipment, it is necessary to urgently stop using electrical equipment if sparks appear and a burning smell is felt. It is also prohibited:
  • connect several powerful electrical appliances to one outlet at the same time;
  • touch wires and electrical equipment with wet hands or while on a wet floor;
  • use devices other than for their technical purpose;
  • bend equipment cables, both during operation and during storage, so as not to damage the insulation, etc.
  1. Check for the presence of electricity in cables with bare hands, touch bare wires;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use faulty sockets, switches, extension cords;
  3. Touch live electrical devices with wet hands;
  4. Leave household appliances (irons, fireplaces and wind blowers, electric stoves) unattended for a long period of time;
  5. When replacing lighting fixtures, all work is carried out strictly with dry hands, standing on a dry surface;
  6. In the event of an electrical appliance fire, turn off the circuit breaker; under no circumstances try to unplug the cord from the outlet.
  7. When carrying out wiring repairs, completely de-energize the entire network.

Warning signs about approaching a danger zone

TB during repairs

  • All work should be done in a group of at least 2 people. This is necessary in the event of an incident in order to be able to provide assistance to the victim.
  • During construction, it is always necessary to monitor the condition of the power tool. The slightest crack can lead to electric shock.
  • Children should not be in the room. The effect of current on a child’s body is many times more dangerous than on an adult’s body.
  • Before carrying out work, it is necessary to de-energize the room in the correct order (household switches, then automatic switches for each load, RCDs and input circuit breakers).
  • During the period of work, a sign warning about repair work should be hung on the floor panel in order to avoid accidental activation by neighbors.
  • Before work, check that there is no voltage in the network.
  • It is prohibited to replace old plugs with similar homemade ones. This can cause a fire, especially if the load increases.
  • It is prohibited to carry out construction and installation work in damp areas, standing on a wet floor.
  • After all the work has been carried out, you need to make sure that the network is working properly: there should be no exposed wires or open sockets. To check the operation of the lines, their continuity is necessary.
  • You cannot drill into walls in places where electrical wiring may be laid without the need to replace a section of wire or install a junction box.
  • Do not lay wires openly above gas pipes and radiators.
  • If after the repair the machine is triggered, it means there is a short circuit in the area. In this case, diagnostics are necessary - completely disconnecting the load and connecting electrical appliances in series to the sockets of the area.
  • Do not cut wires and cable sheaths lengthwise with knives.
  • It is prohibited to carry out repair work under voltage.
  • Wires should not be cut with wire cutters.
  • All sockets and household switches must be promptly replaced with new ones. Even a part of the network that is completely normal in appearance may have loose or broken pieces of wire inside. Replacement will help avoid a number of accidents and damage to household appliances.
  • It is prohibited to lay wires in a bundle or openly in residential areas.

Basic rules of TB

Electrical safety is defined as the absence of unacceptable risks in the use of devices, installations and electrical networks that may arise as a result of operating errors that could result in exposure to direct physical hazards.

Electrical safety in the working environment associated with operation, maintenance, assembly, repair and monitoring of the technical condition of devices, installations and electrical networks means protection from:

  • electric shock;
  • effects of electromagnetic fields;
  • effects of static electricity;
  • atmospheric and impulse jumps;
  • fires caused by electrical installations and devices.

Note! It should be emphasized that electrical safety is a set of rules and principles of technical knowledge defined in established state standards, as well as research in the field of electrical safety, including the search for solutions that reduce accidents in the workplace

Damaging factors

The effect of electric current on a person can be of the following nature:

  • thermal, causes burns, leads to heating of blood and blood vessels;
  • electrolytic, leads to blood decomposition;
  • biological, due to irritation the activity of the respiratory organs and (or) circulatory system may cease.

As for injuries caused by electric current, they are of two types:

  • electrical injuries, manifested in the form of burns, marks, metallization, electroophthalmia, damage caused by contraction of the muscular system;
  • electric shocks of I – IV degrees may be accompanied by shock and reflex effects on various organs.

How to help the victim

The problem is that, having grabbed the source of danger with his hands, a person is not able to let go of the wire due to muscle spasm. Therefore, it is necessary to stop the impact of electricity on the victim:

  1. It is necessary to unplug the wire from the socket using non-conducting objects (wood, rubber, fabric) or cut it with pliers.
  2. If it is impossible to turn off the power to the device, you need to drag the victim away from it to a remote distance.

Methods for releasing a live element

Note! Do not touch the skin of a person under the influence of electric current with your bare hands!

After the measures have been completed, it is necessary to assess the person’s condition and begin providing first aid, taking into account the degree of electrical damage:

  • While conscious, place it on a hard surface, treat the skin around the affected areas with iodine or potassium permanganate, and apply a dry bandage to the wounds.
  • If he faints, free him from constricting clothing, try to bring him back to consciousness with ammonia and treat the burns.
  • In a state of clinical death, resuscitate using chest compressions and artificial ventilation. If the muscles of the mouth are in spasm, then breathing should be done “mouth to nose.” The procedure should be performed before the ambulance arrives.

The consequences of an electrical injury can vary from mild dizziness to cardiac arrest. Timely first aid can save the victim’s life.


Electric shock

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Electric installation work

  • Work with voltages up to 1000 V should be carried out with tools with securely insulated handles. Insulation should be carried out in the form of a cover and a permanent coating based on moisture-, oil-, petrol-resistant and electrical insulating material. According to existing rules, the length of the handle insulation must be at least 100 mm, and the insulation of screwdrivers ends at a distance of no more than 10 mm from the end of the blade.
  • Before starting to work with a power tool, you should make sure that: punching holes and grooves in walls, ceilings with electrical wiring, performing other work that could damage the insulating coating of cables (installing the same water pipes) is possible only after disconnecting them from the power source.
  • All screws and fastening parts must be well tightened;
  • The gearbox must be in good working order (first turn off the electric motor and turn the spindle by hand);
  • The insulation and wires of the power tool must not be damaged or broken wires;
  • Grounding and switches must be in good working order (tools with secondary insulation do not require grounding).
  • The use of defective power tools is prohibited.

If you use a soldering iron during work, make sure that it is always in the working area of ​​the hood in its working condition. It is impossible to shake off the remaining solder when soldering, and its excess is removed on a special stand. During breaks, the electric soldering iron is placed on a special stand with metal brackets. It is prohibited to eat (eat) in the room or premises where soldering is taking place.

When carrying out electrical installation work, soldering irons are used that are powered by alternating current and a voltage of no more than 42 V. Constant use of 220 V electric soldering irons is allowed if they are powered from an isolation transformer/through a disconnect device.

Precautions are taken when testing installed equipment

The first test switching is carried out in the absence of people near the live parts of the installation; Also, test switching is carried out after checking the compliance of all installation diagrams with project documentation and contact connections in the circuit elements. During work, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety rules. This will help avoid serious injuries that an inexperienced technician could receive. If a serious breakdown suddenly occurs, then it is necessary to call an electrician who has knowledge of repairing electrical installations. An electrician must know safety precautions. You can carry out minor repair work on a switch, socket or cable yourself. You don't need any special knowledge or skills for this.

At the same time, it is worth remembering the main rule: before starting repairs, be sure to turn off all electricity in the house. It is important to remember that the human body has little resistance, so it is an excellent conductor of electric current. Also, water is a good conductor of current.

If you touch water while working with electrical appliances, namely a bare wire, you will receive an electric shock, which can cause paralysis of the heart and breathing, and as a result, death.

The electrician's golden rule

Touch the exposed conductors with the back of your hand so that the muscles of the hand, experiencing the shock of electricity, clench the hand into a fist, thereby pushing the limb away from the contact. Otherwise, the palm will tightly grasp the conductor and it will be impossible to unclench it, and the person will be under the continuous influence of the current. To clearly prove to a partner or another person that there is no voltage in the electrical installation (which you yourself must have de-energized and verified with a tester that there is no voltage), you should touch the bare back of your hand.

Electrical Safety Tips

Safe current and voltage for humans:

  • Constant voltage up to 42 V
  • Variable voltage up to 36 V
  • Current up to 50 mA

Now you understand why even 50 V voltage is dangerous. Therefore, you should resort to basic safety measures and always follow the following points that can save your life:

  1. Turn off the voltage at the work site;
  2. Post a warning sign “Do not turn on! People are working!” (for a machine gun, packet bag, switch or shield - the main thing is to be visible);
  3. Check the tools and protective equipment for serviceability and mechanical damage (dielectric gloves, boots, boots, etc.);
  4. Check the probe (voltage indicator) first on the working equipment to make sure it is in good condition, and then check that there is no voltage at the work site;
  5. Make sure by touching the back of your hand that there is complete absence of tension;
  6. Protect the work area by wearing electrical protective equipment;
  7. Get to work.

What is needed to work with current.

Electrical phenomena in technology

Although electricity ensures the operation of equipment, it poses no less danger to the equipment itself than to humans. This is especially true for electronic devices. Microcircuits are extremely sensitive to the effects of even the smallest current. A small short circuit disables the microcircuits.

In industry, static electricity is a significant risk. The presence of small substances, such as flour, friction of some elements against other factors creates the threat of static electrical discharges

Therefore, high-quality grounding is important for the safety of any equipment.

Tags: machine, ampere, sconce, type, harm, choice, engine, house, , grounding, replacement, sign, insulation, cable, like, , magnet, installation, load, voltage, soldering iron, connection, rule, principle, check , wire, project, start-up, work, repair, switch, row, garden, light, network, connection, resistance, term, ten, type, current, transformer, installation, shield, electricity, electric motor, power tool


How electrical installations are divided according to electrical safety conditions

To protect against electric shock, grounding is used. It is organized in any room where electrical equipment is used.

A metal structure (ground electrode) is buried in the ground, to which a grounding electrode is connected. It connects the ground electrode and electrical equipment located in the room into a single circuit.

If there is no grounding in the house, then if the wire is damaged, the metal part of the equipment body will be energized and a person touching it may be shocked. If there is grounding, then in this case the current will go into the ground and will not pose a danger to humans.

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