Uninterruptible power supply for a computer - how it works and why you should definitely use it

It is recommended to use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for a computer when there are frequent power surges or when important information needs to be saved. There are different types of such devices. When choosing, the main parameters are taken into account and correlated with the characteristics of the PC. This ensures reliable operation of the computer.

What is an uninterruptible power supply

This is the name of a device that continues to supply voltage to the equipment connected to it. This is possible thanks to the built-in battery, which comes into operation in case of interruptions in the power source.

When network parameters change or interference occurs, the operation of equipment connected to the UPS is disrupted: in the best case, the devices turn off, in the worst case, structural elements burn out due to strong voltage surges or short circuits.

The operating time of the device during a power outage depends on the battery parameters: capacity and type. However, the longer the uninterruptible power supply for a computer works, the larger its size, since this increases the capacity, and therefore the dimensions of the battery.

The device not only ensures autonomous operation, but also maintains the voltage at a sufficient level, which allows the computer to continue operating in a safe mode without the risk of losing information.

However, the UPS cannot operate indefinitely. If the power supply is not restored, the device will eventually shut down. As a result, information will be lost on the computer. For this reason, the UPS battery charge level is monitored during a power failure. The advantage of such a device is the presence of indication: light and sound.

Light indication of the device

When operating parameters change (when switching to offline mode or connecting the computer to a mains voltage source, a critical decrease in battery charge), the uninterruptible power supply emits different types of sound signals.

At the same time, the lights light up.

The color allows you to navigate what changes have occurred in the operation of the UPS. If a simple uninterruptible power supply is connected to the PC, then the minimum period of time during which the computer can operate autonomously will be enough to dump information onto a flash drive.

UPS device

Main design elements:

  • battery;
  • inverter;
  • filter;
  • rectifier;
  • bypass.

The battery capacity of an uninterruptible power supply can vary within 7-9 Ah. The UPS is often designed with lead-acid batteries. They are sealed and therefore not subject to maintenance.

Simple models have 1 battery, but there are models whose design provides 2 or more batteries, thereby increasing the battery life of the connected PC.

UPS with lead acid battery

The design of uninterruptible power supplies differs, which is determined by whether the device belongs to a particular group of equipment. What unites similar devices is the way they connect a PC - through a socket installed in the UPS case. Their number differs, which is also determined by the capabilities of the uninterruptible power supply.

There is a power button on the case.

Some models are designed with a display that displays information about the parameters of the connected voltage source.

How to choose

Having studied the design of the UPS, before purchasing, pay attention to the main parameters:

  1. Uninterruptible power supply (units of measurement - VA). You need to determine it yourself. To do this, the power of the connected equipment is summed up. However, when turned on, the power increases several times, so the resulting value should be multiplied by the starting current coefficient. Its indicator differs depending on the type of device connected to the UPS. To find out the apparent power (VA), the useful power is divided by 0.7.
  2. Battery life. This parameter is determined by the needs and financial capabilities of the user. If after shutdown it is enough to ensure autonomous operation of the equipment for several minutes, you should purchase the simplest devices. They supply voltage to the computer for 4-15 minutes after the power goes out. This is enough to save the information and shut down the PC correctly. If you need to ensure battery life for your computer longer, choose more powerful uninterruptible power supplies.
  3. Number of sockets on the device. For home use, you can choose a compact UPS with minimal capabilities. In offices, similar devices with a large number of sockets are installed.

UPS use in everyday life

Many users do not clearly understand what a UPS is. This device is nothing more than a kind of intermediary between the computer and the electrical network that powers the computer. The UPS detects voltage fluctuations and takes over power to the computer during a power outage. It contains batteries that, depending on the capacity and power consumption of the connected system, are capable of powering the PC for a short time, sufficient to save its data and turn off the computer. It will also protect your computer from any power surges in the network.

The main network problems include a complete lack of voltage, the presence of high-voltage impulse noise, short-term and long-term power surges, high-frequency interference and other factors that require the use of a UPS. These devices ensure uninterrupted operation of computer equipment from several minutes to one hour.

The uninterruptible power supply circuit is selected in accordance with the operating conditions, the time it takes to switch the load from the network to the battery and back, as well as the operating time of the battery itself.

What is UPS used for?

The main application is to ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment, this can be learned from the name of such a device. If you are wondering what else a UPS is needed for, consider its other possibilities:

  • maintaining the frequency of the mains voltage at the required level - 50 Hz, if the value of this parameter changes, the risk of failure of the connected equipment increases, in the best case the computer will work unstable;
  • maintaining the voltage supplied to the PC at a sufficient level, which is necessary when the values ​​of this parameter fluctuate;
  • protection of the PC from breakdown or shutdown due to network overloads, which is possible when different household devices and the computer are turned on at the same time.

Popular models

When deciding how to choose an uninterruptible power supply for your computer , do not forget about the device manufacturers. Popular brands that offer high-quality and efficient UPSs include Powercom , P-com and APC . Products from other manufacturers are also popular, whose pricing policy makes the purchase more affordable - but the quality of such sources is usually lower.

APC Black-UPS 500

Compact model that supports connecting equipment with a power of up to 300 W. Allows you to connect up to 3 devices to the internal battery and one directly.

It has recharging function - this action will take at least 6 hours.

time at full load is up to 5 minutes, an office PC (200-250 W of power) can work up to 10 minutes.

The advantages of the model are considered to be well -assembled case, a large number of protective functions, fast switching to the battery (6-10 ms), control via a PC and an affordable price. The only disadvantages include the low power of the source.

Powercom Raptor RPT-1025AP

A powerful device that supports the connection of 6 electrical appliances with a total power of 615 W.

This model is enough to operate a gaming computer and monitor. The switching time to the battery does not exceed 4 ms.

It will take about 4 hours to charge the battery to full level.

The advantages of the UPS include short charging time and long operation at full load (up to 20 minutes), protection from high indoor humidity and minimal noise level. The model has practically no downsides.

APC Black UPS Pro 900G-RS

The model is distinguished by the presence of 8 connectors for connecting equipment (4 to the battery, 4 directly). The maximum supported power is 540 W.

The model is equipped with a monochrome display with blue backlighting to display information about the remaining operating time and the current charge mode.

The device uses two powerful batteries, the charging time of which reaches 8 hours.

The advantages of the device include complete protection from all unforeseen situations - from power surges to short circuits. The manufacturer has also implemented control via a computer well - a disk with proprietary software is included. The operating time is also impressive - when connecting a home PC with a total power consumption of 120 watts, the APC Black UPS Pro 900G will provide it with stable power for up to 50 minutes. We tested this device and were pleasantly surprised by its very quiet operation. There are practically no downsides to this device, with the possible exception of its rather heavy weight. You can find a full review of the APC Black UPS Pro 900G on our website in the near future.

Sven Pro+ 800

A model with a total power of up to 480 W, has the ability to be configured with a PC and has good protection functions.

The manufacturer took care of a durable case that has, in general, a good design. Switching to the battery occurs within 10 ms, charging time is up to 8 hours.

The advantages of the device are its affordable price, computer control, interesting design and relatively small size.

Disadvantages - the ability to connect only 2 other devices to the battery and the battery takes a long time to charge.

UPS operating principle

The mechanism of action of such devices is different, which is influenced by the type of design. If you are wondering what a UPS is, you need to study the features of different types:

  • backup (Offline);
  • linear-interactive;
  • online devices.

The principle of operation of the UPS of the first group is based on switching the computer to autonomous operation mode (from an uninterruptible power supply battery) when the voltage in the network is lost.

Under normal conditions, the PC is powered by bypassing the uninterruptible power supply. These are the simplest devices.

Backup UPS Powercom SPD-1000u

The disadvantage is the low level of protection - effectiveness is 55-60%. This is because the signal is only partially filtered. The capabilities of such a device are sufficient for use at home. At large enterprises the quality of food is lower. For this reason, in such conditions it is necessary to install reliable UPSs.

Linear-interactive models are similar in design and principle of operation to the previously considered option (reserve type). However, they have the advantage of voltage stabilization.

For this purpose, a switching device is provided. As a result, no voltage deviation is observed at the UPS output.

There has been an increase in the reliability of such devices - the efficiency level is up to 85%. Uninterruptible power supplies of this type are divided into groups: models that produce a stepped or “pure” sine wave (without distortion) at the output.

Line-interactive UPS Powercom Raptor RPT-1025AP LCD with LCD screen

Online UPS systems are characterized by high reliability.

The operating principle is based on double signal conversion. As a result, the level of reliability of the devices reaches 100%, regardless of the type of power source: mains voltage or battery when disconnected from the power supply.

The current at the input of the uninterruptible power supply is converted to direct current, which is realized through a rectifier. The inverter then converts it to AC. The result is a current characterized by suitable parameters.

Online uninterruptible power supplies are equipped with a bypass. This design element ensures uninterrupted operation of the PC, even if one of the UPS components fails.

Double conversion UPS SIPB2BA.9-11


Since the UPS's built-in batteries are automatically kept charged, there is no need for additional charging . If the battery has been completely discharged, a number of uninterruptible power supply models may indicate a battery malfunction at the moment of switching on, but as the battery gains charge, the indication will stop.

Typically, when the UPS is turned on for the first time, it will take 5-6 hours to fully charge the battery. A number of operating nuances depend on the type of battery used:

  • The cheapest batteries made using AGM technology (sellers may erroneously or intentionally call them gel batteries) are not recommended to be left discharged for a long time, as this leads to their degradation and loss of capacity. If the UPS is not used for a long time, it is worth regularly turning it on idle to maintain the battery charge.
  • Real gel batteries are more expensive, but can withstand long-term deep discharge without consequences. At the same time, they are more sensitive to overcharging, which can happen when installing a battery with a capacity less than rated in the UPS.

If there is a need to charge the battery from an external charging source, it is extremely important to limit the charging current to no more than 10% of the nominal capacity (for example, a battery with a capacity of 4 A*h can be charged with a current of no more than 0.4 A).

Why should you use a UPS for your computer?

The main purpose of connecting a PC via an uninterruptible power supply is to ensure reliable operation of the equipment. When the mains voltage changes, overloads, or changes in frequency, the risk of computer failure increases. If you have a UPS, this probability is reduced. Such a device is the first to be hit when there is a power outage.

Another reason for its installation is the safety of information. If you have a UPS, it will take a few minutes to shut down your computer properly.

Uninterruptible power supply allows you to increase the service life of connected equipment. By stabilizing the parameters, the need to repair the computer is eliminated. The PC works better: there are no crashes or slowdowns in program execution.

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