Let's start with the concepts of “work” and “power”. Work is part of the internal energy expended by a person
Home > Theory > Transformer no-load experience It is possible to predict the performance of a transformer by knowing the equivalent
After purchasing a home on the secondary real estate market, first of all, new owners, as a rule,
What is affected by the number of turns in a transformer? If we talk about the secondary windings of a transformer, then
The first mention of electricity dates back to the 4th century BC in the writings of the Greek
Three-post corner support of a 500 kV power line. How to determine the voltage of a power line by the appearance of the support,
Determination of the number of pole pairs in an asynchronous electric motor is actively implemented, regardless of the environment for using power
In the post-war period, the USSR was faced with the task of restoring the national economy. Much attention was paid
DC motors have many applications, but continuous and smooth rotation of the rotor is not always possible
The English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday believed that if an electric current could magnetize a piece