Emergency LED lights with batteries

An LED emergency lamp with a battery is indispensable in case of problems with the electrical network voltage. An emergency power source will provide autonomous lighting, which allows people to continue or finish work in the absence of voltage, and if necessary, safely leave the premises. And in case of an emergency (fires, explosions, accidents) it will allow you to evacuate in time. The battery life of the LED lamp lasts several hours. According to safety standards, such lamps are required to be in public and industrial premises.

Power outages in a hospital, a tunnel, or a factory lead not only to economic damage, but also pose a danger to human life. Therefore, such facilities must be equipped with an emergency power source.

Types of emergency LED lamps

  • Evacuation. Such lighting is installed in places where signs are located (exit, exit) and along the path of the evacuation plan (flights of stairs, exits, corridor intersections). The special emergency lighting lamp “Exit” is designed to indicate an emergency exit from the facility.

  • Reserve . The lights turn on automatically so that the process is not interrupted. This is especially true for production, hospitals, transport control panels, power grids and other points where the lack of light poses a danger to life.
  • High danger zones. Lighting is provided by explosion-proof lamps, used in conditions in which loss of light can lead to death or injury to people: oil and gas production enterprises, the nuclear industry and gas stations. Explosion-proof lamp with emergency power supply, resistant to dust and moisture. The device case is sealed and shockproof. The anodized coating (oxide film) reliably protects against chemicals and corrosion. Operating temperature from -50 to +50C.

Why do you need a battery?

A battery is needed to provide light sources with electrical energy. But, as mentioned above, not only batteries are used. The fact is that conventional batteries fail quite quickly and require replacement. New lithium-ion, lithium-polymer and lithium-cadmium batteries are durable, but quite expensive. Recently, supercapacitors, which can operate without maintenance for decades, have become increasingly common in LED lamps. In addition, they charge very quickly and have no leakage currents. As for the price, they are in the middle between conventional (lead or iron-nickel) and lithium-ion batteries.

Lamp disassembled: board with LEDs, battery, control board

How to choose an emergency lamp

To determine the choice of a suitable model, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • Emergency battery power. All lamps, including evacuation models marked “Exit,” must have the required power to provide lighting in a certain area. To accomplish this task, the battery must have sufficient capacity. Otherwise, the lamp will not be functional enough and will not work for long. The power of the emergency lighting lamp varies from 1.4 to 18 watts. The average battery capacity is 1300 mAh–3000 mAh. The power of LED lamps is lower than other types of lighting sources, but the light itself is much brighter.
  • Battery life. The longer the device is used, the lower the charge capacity. Battery life is 4–12 years (32040–100000 hours) with continuous operation (about 300 charge/discharge cycles).

  • Battery life. Minimum duration 1.5–2 hours. The time depends on the battery capacity. Some lamps work up to 7 hours.

Protection level

The protection level is abbreviated IP with a two-digit number. The first digit can vary 0-6, the second 0-8.

Meaning of the first digit:

  • 0 – no protection, high probability of outside interference;
  • 1 – small rear side protection;
  • 2 – protection against penetration of human fingers;
  • 3 – protection against penetration of smaller parts (screwdrivers, cable);
  • 4 – protection from small elements;
  • 5 – protection from small penetration, partially from dust;
  • 6 – complete insulation, including from dust.

Meaning of the second digit:

  • 0 – complete insecurity;
  • 1 – protection from drops and light rain;
  • 2 – from direct rain;
  • 3 – from rain falling at an angle of 60 degrees;
  • 4 – from small splashes in all directions;
  • 5 – protection from small water penetration;
  • 6 – complete isolation from water penetration during flow;
  • 7 – immersion in water for up to half an hour is permissible;
  • 8 – complete waterproofness.

For example, a device with a protection rating of ip44 is protected from all elements except dust deposits and the penetration of splashing water in all directions.

Types of emergency lamps

The purpose of LED power supplies differs not only in types, but also in types.

Light source

There are LED lamps and flashlights. Emergency lighting, in addition to its main purpose, can be used when performing various work in a garage or warehouse. The emergency lamp with battery is an LED flashlight that is useful in nature, on a hike, or during emergency stops on a trip. It will help the user out in the dark. This lamp is easy to carry, as it weighs little, is equipped with a retractable handle, and has compact dimensions. The operating time of the models varies from 6 to 20 hours.

Protection class

For each specific room there are certain criteria. Constant lamps have a degree of protection IP42, IP65. Lamps operating in intermittent mode are characterized by class IP22, IP42, IP65. Combined lighting has a degree of IP22, IP42, IP65.

Mounting type

  • Hanging. They are equipped with hooks, ceilings, and pipes for special suspended installation. Installed in rooms with high ceilings.
  • Wall-mounted. Designed for mounting on walls or other vertical surfaces. Mounted at an angle on swivel brackets. The power of the external emergency power source varies from 50 to 800 Watts. The devices are mounted on supports at a height of up to 50 meters.
  • Portable. The flashlight moves to the required location. In cases where the IAP is far from the destination.

Operating mode

Luminaires with an emergency power supply are of the following types:

  • Permanent. The lamp is connected to the mains at all times. The battery is continuously charged and ready for use in emergency conditions. When there is a power outage, it switches to offline mode and continues to operate using the built-in battery. The device can be used as a permanent work light. Lamps are used not only in public or industrial places, but also in apartments or in the country. This provides light during a temporary outage.
  • Fickle. The device starts working only when there is no central power supply. Lighting is provided by a built-in battery, which is charged when voltage is present.
  • Combined. A special switch regulates the mode of constant and intermittent operation. The design of such a lamp is represented not by one lamp, but by several. Some work constantly from the standard network, others are recharged at this time, and in the absence of power they begin to function from the battery.

Regulatory Requirements

The rules for installing emergency lighting networks are regulated in detail in Code of Rules 52.13330.2016. Here is a classification of types of artificial lighting, which includes the following types: working, security, duty and emergency. The latter refers to the following two varieties:

  • Backup refers to processes that cannot be immediately stopped in the event of an emergency. In this case, there is a need to continue the activity, for which it is necessary to ensure a sufficient level of illumination. One example of such a situation would be when undergoing surgery.
  • Evacuation lights are designed to illuminate passages along which people move during the evacuation process during emergencies.

The last option is divided into the following types:

  • Illumination of the routes along which it is intended to evacuate in the event of a critical situation. An important feature of such lighting is that it works on an ongoing basis, and not just during an accident. This applies to most facilities where large numbers of people gather. These include large stores, schools, business centers and similar premises and similar places.
  • Lighting of places that are associated with increased danger. Typically, this option is in demand at industrial enterprises.
  • Anti-panic lighting provides good visibility of the passages along which people move when a critical situation arises. In its absence, the risk of panic increases. If there is a large crowd of people, they can trample each other.

In these cases, reliable operation and uninterrupted operation of emergency lighting must be ensured. Lamps to ensure evacuation can be located in various places: on the ceiling, on the walls and in other places, for example, on the steps of evacuation stairs.

How lighting should be positioned Source interalighting.ru

An emergency lighting system may be required in the following cases:

  • There is a risk that people may get hurt. This may occur due to injury, poisoning or death in an accident.
  • In case of fire or threat of fire.
  • If there is a danger of explosion.
  • If there is a danger of disruption to an important technological process.
  • Due to the leakage of hazardous toxic substances or radioactive materials.
  • In case of disruption of the activities of critical infrastructure facilities.
  • When there is a threat to stop objects that cannot be interrupted.

In the event of an emergency, emergency lighting helps to cope with the consequences more effectively.

Types of light signs used Source interalighting.ru

Emergency lighting is installed in places that are least exposed to danger in the event of an emergency. Equipment for turning on and controlling the system is located in the most protected places.

To check readiness for work, you need to regularly check the serviceability of the equipment. In this case, you need to enable, disable and control its operation. In some cases, such inspections are part of an evacuation drill.

When installing an emergency lighting system, the requirements of the following documents must also be taken into account:

  • SP 256.1325800.2016 regulates the performance of work related to working with electrical installations of various buildings.
  • GOST-R-55-842.2013 contains requirements for ensuring the operation of emergency support.

The alternating current network, which should ensure the operation of the additional system, is laid parallel to the wires of the main system.

A distinction should be made between anti-panic and evacuation lighting. The first is intended to provide access to escape routes. The second is intended for their direct illumination.

Advantages of LED emergency lights

  • Long operating time of 30 thousand hours.
  • Economical energy consumption. Consumes 10 times less energy compared to a conventional incandescent lamp.
  • Easy to use. Periodic checking of the battery charge is required.
  • Maximum brightness immediately after switching on. The light is flicker-free and does not dazzle.
  • Impact resistance. The diodes do not have a filament, so they are vibration-resistant. The glass is made of polycarbonate, which can withstand a shot from an air gun.
  • A wide variety of bases allows you to replace the lamp due to burnout or insufficient power.
  • Environmentally friendly. The devices are absolutely safe for human health.
  • Installation of these emergency power supplies is simple. Anyone can do it.
  • The device does not heat up more than 60 degrees, as it uses low power.

The disadvantage of an LED emergency lamp is the need to monitor the constant charge of the battery.

LEDs - what are they?

The concept of the LED we are familiar with appeared in the mid-70s of the twentieth century. Simply, it is a semiconductor capable of transforming electric current into light radiation. The design of this simple device is significantly different from other lighting devices.

Let's get acquainted with the principle of operation. When producing diodes, special impurities are used to create certain spaces where current can be carried by both free electrons and void areas. When electric current passes through it in the forward direction, photon radiation is created, which produces light.

Electroluminescence was discovered more than 100 years ago. But previously LEDs were not used for lighting because scientists could not produce bright light. The radiation was only one color, red, yellow or blue. The color of the LED depends on the type and chemical composition of the semiconductor used. When creating a multi-chip device, you can get a large number of different shades. It is important that the cost of producing LEDs was significantly higher than the cost of producing incandescent lamps.

In the modern world, scientists have managed to invent cheap semiconductors that produce light that is comfortable for the human eye.

Emergency lamp design

Emergency lighting luminaires are equipped with rechargeable lithium or acid batteries and LED power drivers.

The battery is charged by connecting to the network; the LEDs do not light up. The first battery charge requires up to 48 hours. According to safety regulations, the charge should be enough for an hour.

Emergency lighting with a battery ensures autonomous operation of the power source throughout the operation of the device. A new lamp must be completely discharged once. It is also recommended to do this once a year as a functionality check.

A preventive check is carried out as follows: the emergency lamp is disconnected from the network, the emergency mode should turn on. The lamp operates until the battery is completely discharged.

Performing a check

The occurrence of an emergency situation is a rare event. However, legislation requires that such equipment be in good working order at all times. To do this, it is necessary not only to install it correctly, but also to regularly check the functionality of the system.

When installing emergency lighting, you need to connect the system being tested to a separate switchboard or through one or a group of circuit breakers to the main switchboard. If this is done in a different way, the inspector will record a violation, which will be included in the inspection report.

Emergency lighting panel Source sigmatek.by

Sometimes such a network belongs to the lessor. In such a situation, the tenant's inspection should not consider the correctness of its connection.

During the verification process, the main network machine is turned off or on, which simulates the occurrence of an emergency. In this case, the emergency lighting must demonstrate its functionality.

Emergency lighting of a substation Source ampervolt.kz

Then the main network is launched. As a result, the emergency system should stop working. Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up, which should reflect the results. In particular, it records the number of lamps, indicating the number of working ones, as well as non-working ones. Regarding the latter, an additional check is performed to determine the cause of the malfunction. It includes the following steps:

  • Checking the presence of zero and phase at the corresponding terminals.
  • The serviceability of the lamp is monitored. If it doesn't work, it needs to be replaced.

In some cases, the emergency lighting network is not separated. In this case, the main lighting is turned off to check. In this case, emergency lamps should work normally. However, the fact of the absence of a backup line is recorded, which is reflected in the documents.

Lighting in a large store Source specteh-krasnodar.speczakaz.info

Why LED Emergency Battery Light is Better

A battery-powered IAP is significantly better for several reasons.

The lamps operate independently of the main power supply system. When the central line is turned off, they continue to function.

Important! For full operation, the battery must be fully charged. This can be achieved by a permanent connection to the electrical network or the state of charge must be constantly monitored. Some models are equipped with a charge indicator.

Placement scheme and standards

Proper planning of emergency lighting is critical.

A lighting device with the inscription “Exit” is equipped along the route and above the door itself. Items where emergency lighting is required include office premises, elevators, places of special danger, stairs, large rooms, escalators, corridors, tunnels. Each doorway is equipped with a sign marked “Exit”.

Emergency lighting is a mandatory measure when designing public and industrial facilities.

Emergency lamps must provide high-quality illumination of the evacuation route. When choosing a device, you should take into account the width of the room.

LED emergency lights with battery for emergency lighting are indispensable to ensure people's safety. Having many advantages over other types of lamps, the LED power source significantly prevails in all technical characteristics. Equipping with a battery guarantees full illumination where it is needed.

Technical characteristics of some models of lighting devices

ModelLightning - 12/24VMolniya-220 UltraMolniya-220-RIP GRANDMolniya-220 RIPLightning – 12 SMARTMolniya-220V GRAND
ScoreboardExitClosedFireEmergency exit
Voltage, V9-13,8/20,4-27,62202202209-13,8220
Current consumption, mA20180
Power consumption, VA1111
Operating temperature, ºС-30 to +55-30 to +550 to +550 to +55-30 to +55-30 to +55
Dimensions, cm30.4x10.3x1.929.6x33.3x4.833x15x6.230x13x2.530x13x2.533x15x6.2
Weight, kg0,220,320,40,340,280,35

Light signaling device MOLNIYA-220 RIP GRAND

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