How to determine the polarity of electrolytic capacitors, where is the plus and minus?
Electric capacitors are two-terminal devices designed to store charge and energy from an electric field.
taking readings from the electric meter
How to calculate payment for electricity by meter - calculation example
When faced with the need to pay bills for the first time, many people are initially confused. Difficulties may be caused by: installation
Approximate loss structure
Calculation of electricity losses in 0.4 kV networks: formulas, diagrams
To understand what electricity losses in electrical networks are, you will need to understand the
Radio element tester. what is the difference from a multimeter and the ability
GM328 review Here's what it can detect and measure: NPN and PNP transistors
Rectifier diode
Diode 1N4007: circuits, characteristics, technical description
1N4007 diodes belong to the 1NXXXX series devices. Such diodes use the American numbering system,
time relay with switch-off delay
Features of a time relay with a turn-off delay at 220V
0 4012 05/28/2019 6 Advantages 7 Disadvantages 8 How to choose 9 How to make your own
Heat shrink sizes. Materials and color coding
After electrical installation is completed, the issues of ensuring the safety and protection of the connection during further operation become a priority.
Entering wires into a residential building
SIP installation: rules for fastening, laying, connecting
Electrical overhead lines (OHLs) are now mainly built using insulated self-supporting wire. His
Frequency thyristor converter - detailed description of TFC
Most electrical machines are designed to operate at a stable voltage and frequency of the supply network.
Categories of electrical receivers
Categories of power supply reliability: 1, 2, 3 categories, types of categories, power supplies
In accordance with the PUE (clause 1.2.18-20), with regard to ensuring the reliability of power supply, power receivers are divided into
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