The basis of modern voltage stabilizers is an automatic transformer. Control of the load supplied to its windings with
A diode is one of the types of devices designed on a semiconductor basis. Has one pn junction,
When finding the values of power indicators and converting units of measurement, questions often arise: 1 volt
A large range of electrical protection modules with different response characteristics makes it difficult to select the required model. Every
At all resistance measurement limits, the multimeter will display in both directions an infinitely low resistance or
Today we are interested in the simplest oscillatory circuit, its operating principle and application. For useful information
One of the main parameters of an asynchronous electric motor is slip. This is a variable value. May change based on
Electrical parameters are studied as part of school programs. After exams, scientific definitions and
The push-button station is designed for switching circuits intended to control alternating current, the voltage of which is
An autotransformer is a type of transformer that has one winding on a multilayer core. He looks like