What to do if there is a wiring smell in the apartment, how to identify and eliminate dangerous network faults?

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Sometimes there are situations when you can smell burning wiring in the room. As a rule, this happens in old houses where the wiring is old, but modern buildings are not immune from this, because electrical installation can be done incorrectly or using low-quality conductors. If you hear a smell, you need to immediately take action; you can’t hesitate - a fire may happen. In this article we will tell you what if there is a smell from the wiring in your apartment, where to call and how to quickly fix the problem.

Emergency cases

In the event of sparks and fire, you should immediately turn off the electricity in the entire apartment and call the fire department or electrician.

Another emergency case is electric shock to a person. If the wiring is faulty, injury can easily result from contact with an electrical appliance, exposed wire, or from a regular outlet. The victim should immediately call an ambulance, and while they are on the way, provide first aid:

  1. Give oxygen: open the window, unfasten the buttons on clothes and the zipper, sometimes it is necessary to clean the growth cavity.
  2. The head should be thrown back and the lower jaw should be pushed forward.
  3. Perform a closed heart massage: clasp your hands together and press your palms on your chest (on the xiphoid process) thirty times.
  4. Cover the victim’s nose with one hand and blow twice into the mouth.

You need to repeat until your heartbeat and breathing are restored.

You cannot hesitate in such situations; every second of delay can cost a person his life.

Keeping your apartment and house clean is the key to health, good mood and comfort.

But it is important to carry out a timely inspection of the condition of the electrical wiring. In fact, it is a vital element of the functioning of a residential building.

At the first sign of a malfunction, you need to turn off the power to the house and call a technician.

Video from experts about the smell of burnt wiring

As a result of the negligent work of the electrician, the power wire was secured with nails!!! It’s just pierced right through with nails, it’s fucked up - such a woe = an electrician needs to have his arms amputated.


Bureaucratic red tape

Since the editors of the Electrification.ru portal are based in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), we will look at the problem of bureaucratic red tape using examples of the ordeal of subscribers of Petroelectrosbyt and Kurortenergo. Our dear readers from other regions and vast regions can share information about the state of affairs in their comments.

To be fair, I note that recently the situation has normalized and the interaction of subscribers faced with an emergency situation with energy sales organizations has begun to take on a human face. Of course, this does not mean that an emergency electrician or a whole team of specialists will jump to subscribers at the first call (as already noted, energy sales organizations do not and, apparently, will not have their own emergency services in the coming years), but at least the owners premises are no longer put in a position where they were previously forced to prove that they are not camels.

Now, in order not to receive a fine for removing a seal, dismantling a metering device, or accessing sealed automation, it is enough to provide the inspector with the corresponding report. This document is drawn up in the presence of the owner of the premises (or other responsible person).

Of course, subscribers do not have the right to draw up papers themselves. To do this, you need a representative of an official organization specializing in the repair and maintenance of engineering systems (in particular, power supply systems). The form of the act is not strictly regulated, however, when drawing it up, certain frameworks should be adhered to. The act must clearly reflect a number of important information and be certified by the signatures of responsible persons and the seal of the organization.

Where to call and what to do

Elimination of an emergency situation is the responsibility of the resident of the house or apartment. Moreover, you can’t hesitate, you need to immediately call an electrician. Next, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

Turn off the power to your home. Turn off the circuit breaker in the electrical panel. Check all electrical appliances and unplug them from outlets to eliminate the risk of fire if the equipment is already smoldering inside.

Check the wiring. You can tell by the smell where the breakdown occurred. This usually happens in places where wires are connected, in distribution boxes, areas where RCDs or circuit breakers are connected.

Inspect household appliances. It may burn and give off an unpleasant odor

Pay attention to the TV, refrigerator, electric oven, and other devices. Also check the integrity of the lighting fixtures.

If it is difficult to determine the location of the breakdown by smell, try to find it visually. Check all corners, switches (they begin to melt and darken around the edges). If you find a breakdown, you can call a technician or do the repairs yourself. Calling a professional electrician is preferable to fixing the problem yourself - it is more reliable and safer.

Self-diagnosis of faults

To figure out whether gas smells from the oven or the stove, you need to determine where the leak occurred.

Having determined where the gap is, it will be easier to describe the malfunction when calling a specialist. This will help the technician obtain the spare parts necessary for repairs.

If there is an unpleasant odor in the room, it is important to understand the nature of the problem:

  • gas enters the room even when the stove is not working;
  • an unpleasant odor appears after turning on the device;
  • gas oozes from switched-off burners when neighboring ones are working;
  • An unpleasant aroma appears only when the stove is lit.

Most defects are eliminated by replacing a hose that has lost its seal, a worn gasket, or a failed part. However, it is better to entrust the work of restoring the functionality of the stove to professionals.

There are several ways to determine the cause of a gas stove malfunction.

During the diagnostic process, it is important to follow safety rules and keep children away from the faulty device. When a gas panel is found to be leaking gas during operation, it is important to quickly locate the leak.

When a gas panel is found to be leaking gas during operation, it is important to quickly locate the leak. You can determine it yourself in several ways:

You can determine it yourself in several ways:

  1. By ear, a characteristic whistle appears at the site of depressurization.
  2. By smell - unpleasant aromas intensify as you approach the leak site.
  3. Visually - to determine the place from which the gas is coming out, use soap suds. To do this, soap is diluted with warm water. Thick foam is applied to the joints of hoses, pipes, taps, and threaded connections. When you turn on the device, soap bubbles will appear at the leak site.
  4. Using specialized sensors. Compact devices analyze the composition of air. In case of serious deviations, a sound or light signal is emitted, and some models equipped with a shut-off valve shut off the gas flow.

When the presence of a gas leak is confirmed and its location is located, it is important to ventilate the room well and report the problem to the gas service. You cannot look for a gas leak using a lighter.

If gas has accumulated inside the stove, such actions may cause an accident.

You cannot look for a gas leak using a lighter. If gas has accumulated inside the stove, such actions may cause an accident.

While you are waiting for gas service specialists, it is not recommended to use electrical appliances or turn them on/off.

What to do if you smell burnt wiring or plastic in your apartment or house

At the first sign of a problem with electrical wiring, the smell of burning and plastic, it is necessary to urgently take safety measures, and in no case should these factors be ignored.

Urgent Security Measures

As soon as a burning smell appears or the electricity begins to work intermittently, first of all, you need to protect yourself from fire. This requires:

De-energize the room, house, apartment

You need to turn off the machine (move the lever to the “OFF” position), or if the device is an old model, then unscrew the plugs. Carefully unplug all electrical appliances. Call a technician to identify and fix the problem. To avoid problems with wiring, install an RCD in the panel

At the first sign of current leakage, it will work and let you know about a malfunction

To avoid problems with wiring, install an RCD in the panel. At the first sign of current leakage, it will work and let you know about a malfunction

If the smell of the house appears, then it goes away on its own.

Does the smell of burning and plastic suddenly appear and then disappear? How to be in this case?

This condition is not normal and indicates problems in the electrical system - a short circuit occurs somewhere. The problem area should be identified and the cause of the problem eliminated. Common ones include:

  1. Line overload.
  2. Old wiring.
  3. The insulation has expired.
  4. Sometimes a failure may occur due to a lightning strike.

Signs of malfunction cannot be ignored. You should also turn off the power to the house and call an electrician.

What to do if you smell burning wiring?

Turn off power to all powerful electrical appliances in the apartment, irons, hair dryers, heaters, washing machine or dishwasher, in short, everything that heats. It is best to turn off the circuit breakers in the electrical panel.

Try to localize where the smell of burnt wiring is coming from. Check the extension cords (especially long ones, more than 3m); if you overload the extension cord, it will get hot and smell like burnt wire.

Quickly go to the panel and carefully look at the wires and connections; the color of the burning wire and the structure of its insulation should be different.

Based on indirect evidence, we determine the weak link and, if possible, fix it ourselves, but if the breakdown is significant, CALL AN ELECTRICIAN!

Here, too, options are possible: if the wire is lit up to the electric meter, the so-called input - you can invite an electrician from the management company or the emergency crew. If there is a breakdown after the meter, then you need to call our electrician, for example.

In any case, if the wiring smells, it is dangerous to turn on powerful consumers (electric stove, air heater, hair dryer, microwave) until the accident is eliminated! Light, computer, TV at your discretion...

Turn off the electricity

If you notice a wiring smell, turn off the power in the apartment. As soon as the air in the room becomes unpleasant (burnt), the wiring in the room burnt out, or the smell began to come from the corridor, the search for the source is relegated to the background.

Even if you feel that the smell of burning is only in one place or from some household appliance, do not waste time on a targeted shutdown.

Immediately inspect the place of initial contact, that is, the shield or meter. Then turn off the circuit breaker or lower the toggle switch. For greater safety, unscrew the machine or the plug and only then start looking for the place where the unpleasant burning smell is coming from.

How is proper ventilation arranged?

It is better to entrust the installation of ventilation to professionals. This process will determine the presence of unpleasant odors in the apartment and the formation of mold, which negatively affects health. When making ventilation in the toilet, it is necessary to consider a system of supply and exhaust ducts. The current option today is forced ventilation, which includes a fan.

Ventilation odor appears in an apartment for many reasons, and it is important to eliminate it rather than fight the consequences.

To achieve maximum effect, the supply and exhaust ducts should be located opposite each other. If you install a hood above the entrance to the room, the moist air will be blocked and this will lead to the formation of mold and an unpleasant odor. The smell of sewerage and the smell of ventilation must be eliminated using comprehensive methods so that the problem does not visit your home again in the near future.

Sources of stench: common options

Modern houses are equipped with a sophisticated sewer system designed to remove residual waste products. Its operation is accompanied by specific odors, since wastewater flowing through the pipes emit hydrogen sulfide and other unpleasant-smelling substances.

When the sewerage system is working properly, the “aroma” in the premises (including the bathroom, kitchen, toilet) is almost imperceptible. Its appearance indicates a malfunction in the functioning of technical communications or plumbing fixtures.

When a sewer smell appears, it is important to determine its source. If this cannot be done on your own, it is important to immediately contact a specialist.

The most common causes of stench can be:

The most common causes of stench can be:

  • Mistakes made when installing the sewer system. The appearance of odors in the room may be due to improper installation of pipes or loose connections.
  • Burst of a sewer pipe in the central or apartment distribution system. A leak can be either obvious or almost invisible: a microcrack or a joint not treated with sealant is often enough for gases and moisture to leak through.
  • Inadequate assembly quality of the siphon or its malfunction. This component of plumbing design plays an important role in preventing the entry of foul gases.
  • Blocked pipes or drains. Household waste, hair, and food waste that accumulate in siphons or pipes begin to rot, releasing a specific “aroma.”
  • A malfunction in the operation of the water seal, as a result of which the “water plug” is destroyed, which prevents the appearance of sewer odors.
  • Defects in the functioning of ventilation, which is equipped in apartment and private buildings. The system is designed to remove stench from the sewer system; If she doesn't do a good job, the stench penetrates the apartments.
  • Incorrect connection or violation of operating instructions for the washing machine. In some cases, a useful unit becomes a source of a specific odor.

In addition to those listed, there are many other reasons that cause “odors” in the room. Some of them are easily removable, others require the help of specialists, and often extensive, expensive work.

Below we will look in detail at the various sources of stench and tell you what measures need to be taken in specific cases.

What does heating the wiring cause?

When using electrical wiring, the conductor that transmits current can heat up (the cords heat up) and lead to a fire.

Physics of heating

In any metal capable of conducting electric current, there are free electrons that are in constant chaotic motion, moving from one atom to another. If a cable is connected to a constant source of electricity, these particles begin to move in an orderly manner from one end of the wire to the other and back again.

Along the way, collisions with atoms constantly occur. Due to slight braking, part of the energy is transferred from the electrons, increasing their temperature. And the more charged particles move along the cable, the more such collisions and energy exchanges occur, and the temperature constantly rises. During the natural course of these processes, cooling occurs due to environmental influences.

Problems with a burning socket arise due to poor-quality installation of the element or defective parts.

Areas of increased risk are twists made of metals of different chemical compositions, since during the movement of electrons the atomic structure is disrupted, the more resistant metal destroys the weaker half, the contact area is covered with a corrosive film, and the flow of current is hampered or stopped.

Step-by-step cleaning

General cleaning, which can be divided into six stages, will help completely remove the smell of burning in the house and bring the room back to life.

  1. Damage assessment. Burnt items and furnishings must be thrown away. Furniture that needs to be restored can be left behind. If the floor covering (parquet, linoleum, carpet) is damaged, it will have to be removed. Surviving pillows, blankets, and books should be taken out into the fresh air for ventilation.
  2. Wash. Wash all textiles affected by smoke - towels, robes, aprons. Have your rugs, rugs, and bedspreads dry cleaned.
  3. Dry cleaning. Remove the burnt wallpaper using a spatula. Brush off large soot flakes. Work lightly without spreading the soot over the surface. Vacuum the walls and floor. Don't start washing without dry cleaning.
  4. Wet cleaning. Add one teaspoon of ammonia and one tablespoon of vinegar to five liters of water. Wash the floor, walls, ceiling with the solution, wipe the shelves, window sills, furniture. If you are in doubt about the surface's reaction to the solution, test on a small area.
  5. Ventilation. Open the windows slightly and dry the washed areas. Do not rush to return the items you took out to the room.
  6. Air humidification. Turn on the humidifier and leave it on overnight. If you don’t have such a device, now is the time to buy it. A humidifier will soften and purify the air. To scent the room, place coffee and zest in different places, and light scented candles.

It is necessary to change the wallpaper, re-lay the floors, paint the ceiling. An ignored burnt area of ​​the apartment will become a source of unpleasant odor, toxic fumes and, as a result, poor health.

Why does my washing machine smell burnt?

If your machine is connected through an RCD, then turn it off as well. First of all, check the socket, it may have melted. Then it is better to contact an electrician. If the plug and socket are in order, then rule out other causes. The smell of burning does not always indicate a malfunction; sometimes it is a matter of subtleties of operation:

  • The new washer smells like burnt plastic when it heats up. This happens at first, when parts and elements heat up during washing. But if the technology is no longer new, then it’s worth thinking about.
  • When washing with new powder or soap, there was a burning smell. Sometimes mothers wash baby clothes with soap shavings or a powder that is not suitable for the machine. Products can stick to the heating element coil, which leads to an unpleasant odor. Run a high temperature program to remove build-up.

If all else fails, then you will have to look for the problem. SMA smokes when wiring, contacts, or electronic parts of equipment are damaged. Here are the main reasons that require the intervention of a specialist:

  • The contacts of the interference filter or heating element are burnt.
  • The tracks or contacts of the control board are burnt out.
  • The washing machine wiring has shorted out.
  • The drive belt is frayed.
  • Short circuit due to water entering the motor.
  • Drain pump overheating.
  • Contamination of the heating element, ingress of foreign objects onto the coil.

All these reasons require a thorough inspection, diagnosis and repair of equipment. You can independently inspect and find the location of the problem. But it’s up to you to decide whether to carry out repairs or not.

Poor quality electrical fittings

A socket, switch, or circuit breaker in an electrical panel can cause the smell of burnt wiring. In case of poor assembly and poor contact, it can catch fire in a very unexpected place. For example, in a seemingly reliable socket, the screws were not tightened during assembly. Such an outlet can work without problems for years, but if you turn on the heater in it, heating will occur in a weak spot, and the smell of burnt plastic will appear.

When buying a socket or switch, pay attention to the permissible (rated) current; the higher the value, the more reliable. Preference for sockets and switches made in Germany

Ceramic electrical fittings are much more reliable than plastic ones.

This is interesting: Which machines to choose for a washing machine, boiler and oven - we understand all the nuances

Reasons for appearance

Determination of the dose of water chlorination.

As for chemical sources that lead to unpleasant odors, the most common are chlorine and sulfur. In many regions, sulfur enters water naturally, with increased concentrations observed at certain times of the year. Sulfur can be recognized by the characteristic smell of rotten eggs. Because of it, the water takes on a bitter taste.

Chlorine is the substance most often used for water purification. Sometimes it is added too much, in some situations it simply stagnates in the pipes. Therefore, the water needs to be allowed to flow through the tap for some time. Usually the taste and smell of the substance disappear after a few seconds.

The metal of water pipes causes a change in the smell of water. Lead, steel and copper can leach into water, giving it unique tastes and aromas. Steel and copper are usually present in water in small concentrations and are not capable of harming the human body, but can lead to a change in the color of the liquid. If rusty water comes out of the tap, this indicates an increased iron content. A more serious problem is lead. Even in small concentrations it is very harmful to human health. If you have the slightest suspicion that your water is contaminated with lead, you should stop drinking it and contact the water utility with a request to have it checked.

Algae blooms in reservoirs are also a fairly common cause of unpleasant odor in water.

Algae blooms in the reservoir sometimes cause an unpleasant odor in the water. Before reaching consumers' taps, the water is repeatedly filtered and cleared of various types of organisms, but the odor may remain. Typically, using household filters eliminates odor. In most cases, such water is not dangerous for health.

In addition, system leakage can cause a change in water odor. If substances from the environment penetrate into the water supply, the effect of its use will be completely unpredictable. As a rule, water pipelines are reliably isolated from wastewater, since sewerage is always laid below clean water supply lines, but it is impossible to completely protect against other pollutants. If your home is located in an area with high concentrations of any kind of pollution, follow the advice of your local utility company

In such areas, they regularly inform the population about precautions and rules for using water.

How to protect yourself from wiring fires

You should only buy certified products that have been tested with maximum load levels. To carry out wiring in an apartment or house, you need to calculate the rated and maximum loads in advance, select the appropriate cross-section and number of cores.

Avoid multiple tees and extension cords when connecting high-power devices. Connect light sources only through special devices.

Immediately check the part of the wires that will be hidden in the walls for integrity. If it is necessary to hide the cable under the baseboards, the electrical wires are additionally protected with a rubber casing.

Socket failure

If the check shows that the plug is working, you need to make sure that the socket is working properly. A device with a known working plug is inserted into the outlet. After turning on, you need to wait 5 - 15 minutes.

The results may be like this:

  1. The plug, socket, or both elements heat up. The reason is the socket.
  2. None of the contact surfaces got hot. A mistake was made, you need to repeat the check from the very beginning: from examining the fork.

The socket may have unsuitable characteristics. If a boiler is connected, the device must be able to withstand at least 16 A. If the socket lights up or there are other signs of overheating, it is likely that the cause is low readings. The socket was working at its maximum capacity.

Malfunctions and their elimination

If the socket is faulty, it can be replaced, disassembled and repaired.

  1. The terminal does not clamp the wire well enough. The bolt should be tightened until it stops.
  2. The spring does not function well: it is damaged, holds weakly or is missing. You need to tighten it/install a new one.
  3. The brass plates are deformed and do not provide a tight connection. You can bend it and put it in the correct position.

  1. The tip of the wire is damaged and the insulation has melted. A new contact is made: the damaged area is cut off, the insulation is removed by about 7 mm, and reinserted into the terminal.
  2. Sometimes the socket melts. In this case, the body and internal elements made of plastic (carbolite) are damaged. Brass plates can change position and lose contact. The socket is replaced with a new one.

Danger of shorted wiring

During the normal flow of electric current through the wires, the load is distributed evenly, the current does not exceed permissible limits. It happens that two points of an eclectic chain are connected with polar values ​​not provided for by the normal operating mode. This leads to an increase in current at the connection point, and ultimately to a short circuit.

The danger of such a process is fire of wires and power outage, electric shock to a person. Of course, the worst consequence is a fire.

The most dangerous is hidden wiring under finishing materials, such as drywall or plaster. Because it is difficult to detect the connection point. Even an experienced craftsman does not always have the right tools.

A short circuit is accompanied by a burning smell, interruption in operation and a power outage. In serious cases, equipment melts and catches fire.

Faulty plug

There is no point in delaying repairs - the socket may spark and an unpleasant burning smell will appear. In addition to equipment failure, it is simply dangerous, for example due to the risk of fire or electric shock. It is necessary to limit the use of sockets and plugs, or better yet, stop.

If smoke or other serious signs appear, turn off the electricity. Usually the switch is located in the meter on the distribution panel. You need to hire a specialist or fix it yourself. Work is carried out after a power outage.

There may be several reasons for heating. First of all, you need to check the plug. It is inserted into a working socket. The load is given: the device turns on. You need to wait 5 - 15 minutes and assess the condition. If the plug gets hot, that means it's the problem. If not, you need to look further for the reason.

If the plug breaks, you can replace it or try to repair it.

There are two types of plug design:

  1. The body is sealed. You can only install a new plug. The wire from the old one is carefully cut off, the ends are stripped, and another plug is connected.
  2. Collapsible - it becomes possible to eliminate a specific malfunction and repair the plug.

Solving problems with a collapsible fork

We check the reliability of the connection between the legs of the plug and the ends of the wires.

Contact is broken for the following reasons:

  1. Weak bolt fastening. You just need to tighten it all the way.
  2. Burnt wiring. The damaged area is cut off, a new fastening is made: the insulation is removed, the wire is stripped, and connected with a bolt.
  3. Oxidation can be eliminated in one of the following ways: by cleaning with a knife or sandpaper, using acid for etching, simply cutting off the damaged area and assembling a new contact.

Reasons related to the fork

Common reasons why the plug in the socket heats up:

  1. Poor contact between socket and plug. The connection must be without gaps. The diameters of the plug legs and the socket holes must match. To check, slightly rock the inserted plug. If there is noticeable play, the socket must be replaced.
  2. The use of tees and adapters that may not be designed for such a load. The parameters are clarified with the seller or in the documents. For security reasons, it is better not to use “intermediaries” to connect powerful devices.
  3. Connecting equipment with plug contacts of different diameters to the socket, for example, a water heater and a hair dryer.

Detecting a bad contact in a machine

Most models use screw terminals to connect wires to the circuit breaker. In the photo below you see the consequences of a bad connection in the machine:

To fix it, you just need to remove the wire and clean it of oxides and carbon deposits, and then clean the terminal block in any way:

  1. It is most convenient to use a small needle file; it will fit perfectly into the terminal block.
  2. If you don’t have a file, you can scrape off the carbon deposits with the tip of a slotted screwdriver of a suitable size or an awl.

After this, you need to tighten the screw well and clamp the wire, check that it does not dangle. If the zero on the machine was heated for a long time, then its contacts could be damaged. If after cleaning the contacts the heating does not disappear, then replace the machine completely. In a difavtomat, the reasons for heating the zero and eliminating it are similar.

The damaged area has been discovered, now should we hammer into the wall?

It is not at all necessary to destroy the wall cladding, but the section, of course, will have to be replaced. Now in Europe open wiring is very popular, i.e. The cable is run through a special cable channel that runs under the ceiling.

Disguised exposed wiring

This method can be used in this situation. It is necessary to disconnect the connection in the box that is damaged and replace it with new wiring. Most often this is a connection from one box to another. Knowing where one end is, you can find the second using the same multimeter.

This is what a melted wire looks like

When choosing a new cable, it is worth considering its cross-section, as well as the method of its connection. Whatever anyone says, most often domestic electricians connect using the twisting method. The main thing is that the wires must fit tightly to each other; do not forget that poor contact melts the rubber insulation and can lead to similar consequences:

Consequences of poor contact

After installing the new cable, you can safely turn on the machines.

Load determination using wire cross-section

The conductor area needs to be known. This way the wiring capabilities are determined and the load is controlled.

To determine how much a contact pair can withstand, it is necessary to take measurements:

  1. Find out the diameter of the core, for example, using a caliper. Let's say the wire is aluminum, thickness - 2.3 mm.
  2. The cross section is found by the formula: S=0.785*D². S - cross-section, D - diameter, 0.785 - coefficient obtained by dividing the TT value (grounding system) by 4. That is, S = 0.785 * 2.3² = 4.15 mm.
  3. Now the obtained value must be compared with those given in Table 1. These are standards for domestic or industrial conditions, depending on voltage. Let's take a cable used at home.
  4. For 4.15 mm, the exact value of current and power was not found in Table 1; you will have to calculate it. You need to find out the specific values ​​per 1 mm². The cross section is between 4 and 6 mm. Therefore, the specific current (I) and power (N) are found as the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​in this interval. The latter can be viewed in the tables. The resulting figure is divided by the difference in the sections of the interval. That is, specific I=(36-28)/(6-4)=4 A/mm², specific N=(7.9-6.1)/(6-4)=0.9 W/mm².
  5. Specific parameters are multiplied by the difference between the found section and the minimum tabulated value of the interval. The resulting figure is added to the minimum current or power of the interval. The required I=(4.15-4)*4+28=28.6 A, N=(4.15-4)*0.9+6.1=6.24 W.

The found values ​​must be compared with those specified in the instructions for the devices being switched on. If the required parameters are greater than those found, the wiring cannot cope and causes heating. It is better to choose a high-quality copper cable with a thickness of 4–6 mm.

Knowing how to fix minor breakdowns will not be superfluous in the household. If you understand the reasons for the violation, you can not aggravate the situation, but correct it in time.

How to find cable damage in the wall? Will a multimeter help?

Breaking walls in search of damage is not an option; it will be too expensive. This is only relevant if the apartment is being renovated. Then, of course, it’s better to immediately install new wiring so that you can sleep peacefully for the next 10 years. But more often the problem with a burnt smell does not arise at such moments. A multimeter will help us in our search - a universal device with which we will measure the insulation resistance of a section of a circuit.

We connect one probe to phase, the other to zero and turn on the tester in “R” mode (resistance). In sections of the circuit with normal insulation, the device will show a number close to infinity, and if there is a break there - 0. If there is no break, but the insulation is scorched, the resistance will be low, which is easy to distinguish from an infinitely large number.

In most cases, the damaged area is easy to locate, but not always. The fact is that the power of the tester is not enough to ring a circuit that is too long; its capabilities are limited to 3-4 meters of cable. Often this is enough, but in some cases, you have to use another device - a megger (megaohmmeter).

Tags: machine, ampere, beat, sconce, view, harm, choice, house, , clamp, replacement, sign, insulation, cable, like, , light bulb, installation, power, multimeter, load, transfer, connection, rule, wire , start, vacuum cleaner, , work, size, repair, socket, light, lamp, LED, system, connection, resistance, ten, current, , photo, shield, electricity

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