The circuit breaker is knocked out and does not turn on. Reasons: after a short circuit, the sockets do not work

Main problems

The design includes a small number of parts. Owners of circuit breakers face three main types of breakdowns:

If the machine regularly knocks out, this may indicate a sudden loss of voltage, or when you turn on a powerful household appliance, one of the circuits is disconnected from the supply line. The machine may also not turn on for the following reasons:

  • The wires from the machine were burned off or simply melted.
  • The lever does not cock because it is jammed.
  • When the lever is cocked, it immediately goes down, the voltage does not appear at all or appears for a short period of time.

All of the above malfunctions require an immediate solution, otherwise the likelihood of a fire increases.

The device crashes for no apparent reason

The machine may regularly turn off due to voltage surges in the supply network or as a result of incorrect operation of the thermal disconnector. The first problem can be eliminated only by a voltage stabilizer mounted at the input to the machine, but this requires large financial costs. The cause of shutdown by the thermal disconnector is a prolonged but insignificant deviation in the value of the rated current.

As a rule, this does not indicate a breakdown of the electrical device, but rather its improper use. For example, if the machine crackles, buzzes or smells unpleasant, it is overloaded. Opening contacts may also be the cause.

To fix the problem, you can try to check the tightness of the wire and, if necessary, remove it to clean the contacts from carbon deposits and oxides, then tighten it again. Without first disassembling the machine, it will not be possible to solve the problem. If it is not possible to carry out the procedure, it is better to purchase a new device.

Trigger when load is turned on

If the machine does not behave correctly when you turn on a certain household or lighting device, the problem lies in the device itself or the wire leading to the source of the problem. A short circuit occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the insulating layer of the cable.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and replace the main line cable with a temporary one. If this helps, you will have to completely check the wiring around the house and upgrade or replace it.

The machine does not turn on

If a person tries to lift the lever and it automatically goes down again, this may indicate the presence of a short circuit or mechanical wear of the working components of the unit. You can verify this quite simply - you should ring the supply phase to zero with an indicator screwdriver or an ohmmeter. To solve the problem, restore the insulating layer or replace the cable; if there is no short circuit, a complete replacement of the equipment will be required.

Lever jammed

There is a problem when you simply cannot move the lever from the lower position. There is only one explanation for this - the contact drive mechanism is jammed. The problem may arise as a result of the device turning off under load or splashes jamming the moving contact, causing a strong arc to form. As a rule, to solve the problem it is necessary to install a new machine.

During a short circuit the machine does not turn off

There are two most common reasons why there is no response to short circuit:

  • The electromagnetic disconnector mechanism is jammed or faulty.
  • The contacts are stuck as a result of overheating and the formation of arcs when opening.

To fix the problem, you need to install a new machine.

Reasons for knocking out a machine gun

There are 5 main reasons why the machine in the apartment breaks down and does not turn on:

  • There is a short circuit in the electrical wiring.
  • Overload of the electrical line.
  • Malfunction of lighting fixtures or one of them.
  • Circuit breaker failure.
  • Incorrect operation of one of the electrical appliances.

Machine defect

The likelihood that a defective device was purchased and installed is negligible, especially if preference was given to branded models. The only effective way to check the functionality of the machine is to install a new one in its place. If the new device also crashes, the reason lies in something completely different.

Like other electrical devices, a circuit breaker has its own service life. Wear of components leads to decreased performance and deterioration of technical characteristics.

Faulty household appliances

The reason for knocking out the machine can also be household appliances. You can verify this in the following ways:

  1. Remove all connected household appliances from sockets.
  2. If the machine is not knocked out, you need to gradually connect one electrical device at a time.
  3. As soon as the machine turns off, it will be clear which device is faulty.

If some household appliances are directly connected, for example, dishwashers or air conditioners, they can only be de-energized at the distribution panel.

Incorrect operation of lighting fixtures

There are situations when the machine is knocked out when the lighting device is turned on. This indicates a malfunction of the chandelier.

  • Short circuit in the lamp base. Unscrew all the bulbs and connect them one by one.
  • Poor contact between the wiring inside the chandelier and the supply conductor.

Features of the structure of the electrical distribution panel

Any protective and distribution equipment is placed in special panels. The design features of the shield allow you to control the flow of energy and supply it evenly through all channels.

The electrical panel package includes:

  • circuit breakers;
  • contactors;
  • RCD.

Other components may be present depending on the functionality of the shield.

The machine helps protect electrical wiring from negative consequences. The operating features of the switch are as follows:

  • the main task is to protect electrical wiring and household appliances connected to it from excessive current;
  • installation must be carried out on a phase circuit, which breaks when the packager is disconnected;
  • The switch can de-energize the network when turned off manually and in the event of an emergency.

If an emergency occurs, the machine in the shield is knocked out.

Checking the circuit breaker

You can verify the operation of the circuit breaker yourself without using special equipment. To do this, adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Completely de-energize the panel in an apartment, office, country house, etc.
  2. De-energize the circuit breaker.
  3. Proceed to adjust the machine lever. Turning it on and off should be accompanied by a characteristic click.

If no sounds come out, the device is faulty and needs to be replaced. If the sound is heard, you need to measure the resistance level at the terminals between the switches. When turned on, the value should be close to zero, and when turned off, on the contrary, to infinity.

A circuit breaker is an extremely convenient and functional electrical part that makes the use of electricity safer. It is recommended to purchase them in specialized stores that sell only certified and original products.

Where to start if the outlet is not working

If there is light in the house, but the electrical outlet does not work, you need to make sure the conclusions are correct. Often the equipment that they are trying to connect turns out to be broken, but everything is fine with the wiring. It is recommended to double-check the operation of the device in another outlet, and then evaluate the network voltage.

To carry out even simple repairs to sockets, you will need a number of tools. Before starting work, you should prepare them:

  • voltage indicator - a special indicator screwdriver;
  • dielectric (insulated) or regular pliers, the handles of which are wrapped with electrical tape;
  • regular Phillips screwdriver;
  • sharp knife (construction knife, stationery knife);
  • pry bar, hammer, chisel.

The last three tools are not always needed, but when replacing an electrical outlet with a new one they can come in handy. Also, to check the sockets in the apartment, you need to prepare a simple device, for example, a table lamp. Sometimes, if an outlet stops working, you may need to replace the wires.

Stabilization of low-quality voltage

As already described above, the reason why the lights in the apartment are blinking may be an unstable network voltage. If this happens regularly, you should contact the power supply services of a particular area. These organizations undertake to supply high-quality voltage to the consumer, which corresponds to a certain reliability category. The parameter that satisfies household appliances ranges from 210–230 V.

Electric network stabilizer

If the electrical service says that everything is fine on their end, the reason may be that other consumers are using high-power electrical appliances on your network. These can be welding machines, devices with motors that produce a voltage drop when started.

If it is impossible to solve this problem by contacting an electricity supply organization, you will have to install a voltage stabilizer. Its main function is to receive incoming voltage, which may be unstable, and output a stable value. As a result of this, household appliances will be protected from extremes, and the lighting will stop flickering. There is a large selection of stabilizers that are designed for different power of electrical appliances. They can be installed either in individual groups or at the input of the supply line before distribution throughout the room.


Usually in apartments, some of the electrical outlets are standard, made during construction and interior decoration of the housing. Other devices are added by residents, so when buying an old apartment, many receive incorrectly installed sockets that often break. Installation of electrical outlets by a non-specialist without following the basic rules does not completely eliminate the risk of short circuits and other breakdowns.

When an outlet refuses to work, the problems can be either hidden or obvious. The latter are visible to an unenlightened person - a burnt, melted box, an unpleasant smell, sparks. To find hidden faults, you will need to open the device, inspect the working part, and sometimes disconnect the contacts.

All sockets are not working

Whether or not there is voltage in the socket can be checked with an indicator screwdriver. A two-pole indicator works best - a single-pole indicator will not always accurately indicate a breakdown. If the zero is broken, the phase will still be reflected as working, and such an indicator will not detect a break in the neutral wire.

After checking, you can find out whether one electrical outlet is broken, a number of devices in the room, or all the outlets in the house refuse to work. Then you need to check the incoming voltage - perhaps the power supply to the apartment has been interrupted.

The prerequisites for stopping the functions of all electrical outlets in the house may be as follows:

  1. Machines are disabled.
  2. The distribution box (shield) is broken.
  3. The sockets are connected from one panel, the common wiring is damaged.

The machine may also be the reason for the loss of voltage in the sockets. If there is only one input circuit breaker, its breakdown causes the interruption of power supply to the apartment. It is necessary to check the terminals - if there is current at the input, but not at the output, the reason is in this device. It needs to be removed, sent for repairs, or better yet, replaced with a new one. Sometimes the toggle switch of the machine does not turn on - such a device must also be replaced.

The sockets in a certain room are broken

Sometimes electrical outlets stop working in one room. We can conclude that there is no voltage in the socket group. You need to start by finding the machine that powers the group. Usually the sockets and room lighting are powered by one circuit breaker, so you can find it experimentally - by turning the lights on and off. Sometimes one machine turns off the sockets on one wall, and another device is responsible for the opposite ones. Then the non-working socket group will be smaller. The reasons why one group of electrical outlets is not working are as follows:

  1. Too much load of devices on the machine. You need to buy a device of a suitable rating.
  2. The machine turned off, performing a protective function. You need to check all sockets and wiring - there may be a short circuit in any area.

First you need to check the wires in the panels, the working part of the sockets, because the rest of the cables are hidden in the walls. If there is a wire break (voltage is supplied to the line, but the group of electrical outlets does not work), the repair should be entrusted to professionals. New wires may need to be installed. But often the reason lies in careless installation of electrical devices or damaged insulation. In this case, the indicator screwdriver will show irregularities in the area of ​​the socket contacts.

Another possible cause of a short circuit is flooding the wiring with water, as a result of which it can burn out and the wires sinter together.

One socket doesn't work

This problem happens quite often. The electrical outlet may break immediately after installation if it was not done correctly. For example, parallel connection of the first socket in the block leads to the breakdown of all devices if the main one malfunctions.

You can check this like this: turn off the power to the apartment, remove the external panel, and inspect all the wire connections. Perhaps they have become loose, then they just need to be tightened tighter.

Why does the device look melted, with traces of burning? Most often, the contact wire burns out, which will be noticeable when disassembling the product. The insulation and the cables themselves may be burnt. Repeated melting of wires due to excess power of electrical appliances can lead to destruction of the metal core. As a result, you can get a bad contact - there is voltage in the network, but it is not supplied to the outlet. The solution is to replace the wire to the point of damage, replace the socket. Sometimes you have to disassemble a hole in the wall, significantly spoiling the repair.

When to ask for help

It is not uncommon to have to replace an electrical outlet or part of the wiring in your home. Not everyone can do this, so if in doubt you will have to call a specialist. You cannot do without a technician if all the steps described above did not produce results, the malfunction remains unclear.

The easiest way is to contact the management company - they always have full-time electricians. The master will carry out all the work safely and reliably, you will be able to use the equipment in the apartment without fear.

What to do after the circuit is closed?

Please tell me. Yesterday I was changing the chandelier in my apartment and it shorted out - the lights in the apartment went out. I went to the electrical panel and turned off and on the switch for my apartment. After this, the only light left in the apartment was in the hallway

All sockets work. And the light bulbs are nowhere - not in any room.

The apartment is not mine - the owner will arrive soon. what to do? I wouldn't want him to find out. Besides calling an electrician, what can you do? If it’s not difficult, please give me advice.

Arkadi4 wrote: I turned the switch off and on in my apartment. After this, the only light left in the apartment was in the hallway

Something is somehow completely unclear

In the panel there is a switch/switch for the apartment - which completely turns the light on and off. After turning it on, the light began to light only in the hallway, and in other rooms there was no light - it does not turn on

Arkadi4 wrote: does not turn on

That is, when you try to turn on the machine, it immediately turns off?

2Arkadi4 one for the whole apartment? Maybe it’s where there are machine guns.

there are two machines in the panel - one is common - and the other is somehow divided into zones - two levers are raised = maybe the third one can be raised?

picked it up - everything worked, thank you - it means it was knocked out, similar to traffic jams)) thank you very much.

Arkadi4 wrote: picked it up - everything worked,

In order not to proliferate the topic, I’ll ask here: when the pump shorted, the machine was turned off, the culprit was turned off, but it was not possible to immediately turn on the machine with a spark and turned off again. After a while it turned on without problems. Why is that?

breakdown of insulation in the supply cable or in the outlet, carbon deposits from a short circuit of the pump, then the breakdown site “burned out” after turning the machine on/off several times. Need to check.

amateur1 wrote: the place of the breakdown “burned out”

Yes, that’s not clear. When I came home, the machine was turned off, which means there was a short circuit somewhere. I tried to turn it on - it immediately turned off. after that all consumers were turned off, but it was not possible to turn them on. After some time the machine started working.

began to determine the culprit location of the short circuit. When the pump was turned on, the machine turned off again. in order to avoid accidental pressing by other family members, the wires from the switch are removed and insulated. The machine did not turn on, but only after a while.

after the pump was replaced, the connection was restored and everything still works to this day without problems. t-t-t)))

Restoring rotary and touch models

Touch switches must be repaired in specialized workshops. In rotary-type devices, characteristic malfunctions have approximately the same causes and manifestations as in keyboard analogues. In their working mechanism, the closing and breaking contacts also burn out and completely wear out, which is explained by their intensive use. In addition, by analogy with the samples already considered, it is also possible for them to loosen the contacts at the points where the phase conductors are connected.

Restoring switches of this class is similar to the approach already discussed for key products. Difficulties arise when the cam mechanism breaks down, which is unlikely to be repaired manually. In this case, experts advise completely replacing the device with a new product.

Short circuit in old wiring: why does the machine not work and how to fix it?

A fuse must be installed on every cable and wire with a voltage of 220 or 380 Volts.

- in case too much current flows through the wire.
The conductors can pass a certain amperage, and if it is exceeded, they will begin to overheat
and may even catch fire.

In old wiring

, the short circuit current may not be very large due to the high resistance of old wires, unreliable connections and the old substation.
about what this means
in our article: it’s
important to know

What does short circuit current depend on?

Take a look at the diagram

It shows that during a short circuit, electric current passes through the circuit
starting from the winding of the transformer at the substation, through the overhead lines, the switchboard and finally the wiring in the house or apartment.
The resistances
of all these sections
add up
and the higher the total resistance, the correspondingly

the short circuit current will be

In new

in houses with a recently installed substation, the short-circuit current can reach
several hundred
or even
of amperes, but in old ones it can easily be below 100 amperes.
You will say: this is good, the lower the current, the less the danger! In general, this is true
, but at low current
another threat

the circuit breaker not work

At what current does the machine operate?

The situation here is twofold

On the one hand, the machine has a thermal breaker
, which is triggered by a small current - for example, 20 amperes.
But it is slow
- it may take several seconds for it to operate, and if there is a short circuit, the wires may catch fire during this time.

With another

- all modern machines have an “
” circuit breaker that disconnects the line at the speed of sound.
One problem is that it triggers at high current
For example, for a machine with a “C” characteristic and a rating of 16 Amps, the electromagnetic circuit breaker will operate at a current of 80
160 Amps
- no one knows for sure.
If the short-circuit current is less than 80 amperes, which is possible in old wiring, only the slow
circuit breaker will operate, and this threatens a fire.

What is “machine B” and why is it better to use it?

To protect old wiring, you need to install not ordinary machines, which are sold everywhere, with the “C” characteristic, but sensitive

- with
characteristic “B”
Their fast release current is much lower and guaranteed
to work even with weak short-circuit currents. One problem is that they are not often on sale, so you will have to
, but it’s worth it!

As a general machine

It’s better to leave the device with the usual letter “C” - it will provide additional protection, “just in case.”

Network congestion

The most common reason why a circuit breaker (CB) trips is that it simply did its job - protecting the wiring from overload and further failure. When we looked at the technical characteristics of the machines, we said that each model has its own rated tripping current: 6, 10, 16, 25 A, etc. Now, if you simultaneously turned on several powerful electrical appliances, the current of which exceeded the setting, do not be surprised why the circuit breaker in the house trips. For example, you have a 16A circuit breaker on your panel (a classic situation for old wiring) and you suddenly turned on the washing machine, air conditioner, electric kettle and boiler. The load on the network increased noticeably, as a result of which the AV turned off, thereby protecting the electrical wiring.

There are several ways to solve the problem. The first and simplest is to turn on powerful household appliances one by one to avoid overload. The second is to replace the circuit breaker with a 25-amp one. This can only be done if the wiring can withstand the load (copper, core cross-section of at least 2.5 mm 2). The third, most reliable one is to replace the electrical wiring in the house with a new one that will be able to withstand powerful household appliances.

The reason why the machine knocks out is clearly explained in the video:

We draw your attention to the fact that after the machine is knocked out, if it has a thermal release, it will not be possible to turn it on immediately. This is due to the operating principle of the product. When the mechanism has cooled down (this may take several minutes), try re-cocking the lever to the “On” position.

What to do if the lights go out and the apartment loses power?

It always happens at the wrong time: bam! and the light went out. Maybe there was something crackling in the socket or switch beforehand. Or maybe you turned on the light, the light bulb exploded and the traffic jams went out, and there is no light throughout the apartment. But sometimes it happens that the kettle and microwave are turned on at the same time and at the same time, there is also no light, the machine turns off due to overload. The reasons and circumstances can be very different. Let's figure out how to act in this situation.

First of all, you need to find out under what circumstances the lights went out

If, for example, the light goes out when an electrical appliance is turned on, then that is most likely the reason. The device must be turned off immediately and not turned on again without checking. If this happened when the chandelier was turned on, then most often the lamp burned out, and the current surge knocked out the plug. The principle of operation of a circuit breaker is to disconnect the line during a current surge and protect it.

So, if the plugs in the dashboard are knocked out, what should you do?

If the reason for knocking out the plugs remains unknown, you should remove the plugs from all sockets and move the switches to a different position. These steps need to disconnect the area with damaged insulation.

Keeping in mind the presence of protection zones, figure out which plugs have burned out (which circuit breakers have turned off). First familiarize yourself with the diagram of a standard apartment switchboard. In this case, you need to be guided by the following considerations: if there are several groups in the apartment, but not all the lamps have gone out, but only the lamps belonging to one group, then there is no need to touch the plugs on the stairs - they are probably intact; if there are several groups in the apartment and all have gone out, there is nothing to do about the traffic jams in the apartment, but you need to look on the stairs or at the beginning of the riser.

Malfunction of household appliances

If the machine strikes often and at approximately the same period of time, it can be said with a high probability that one of the electrical appliances is faulty. For example, if you notice that the circuit breaker trips when you turn on the washing machine, electric stove or water heater, turn off this equipment and see how the device behaves without electrical appliances. Doesn't work? You need to look for a fault in one of the connected “culprits”. We talked about how to repair household appliances with your own hands in the corresponding section of the site.

You can quickly find faulty equipment using the method of elimination. Disconnect all plugs from the sockets and connect one at a time. On a short-circuited device, the circuit breaker will trip under load.

If you have disconnected all the equipment from the network, and the machine turns off, then the problem may be in the wiring. We will tell you what to do in this case below.

The main thing is prevention

In conclusion, let's look at how the electrical wiring in the apartment should be arranged so that machines and traffic jams are knocked out as rarely as possible. The main thing here is to turn on the protective automatics for the sake of pennies of savings only in the break of the phase wire, as on the right in Fig. - a grave mistake.

Correct and incorrect inclusion of protective automation in apartment electrical wiring

Firstly, in some emergency situations on a network with a solidly grounded neutral, phase voltage may appear on the neutral wire; what this entails – see above. Secondly, such inclusion does not guarantee against problems with electricians: if the wiring neutral is solid, then there are ways to steal electricity. Let someone else do this, but the dispatcher will notice, and it will be up to you to prove to the inspector that the camel is not you.

Any automatic protective equipment must break all suitable conductors when triggered (in networks with a solidly grounded neutral - 2, phase and zero), this is the first thing. And secondly, all potentially emergency devices and devices must be turned on each through their own current protection circuit breaker, on the left in Fig. If you live in an apartment building, for which it is not possible to install a protective grounding circuit, these rules must be strictly followed.

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Electrical wiring is short

Another reason why the AB often knocks out is a short circuit in the wiring. A phase in some place touches zero, as a result of which a short circuit occurs and the machine performs its second protective function - short circuit protection. If all consumers are disconnected from the network, and an alarm occurs, you need to completely check the wiring. This takes quite a lot of time and, in addition, you need to be careful to find the problem.

First of all, you must disassemble all sockets and light switches, check the quality of the connections of the wires to the terminals. If the wires are loose, the screws need to be tightened. After the sockets, move on to the distribution boxes. Make sure that the connections of the wires in the junction boxes are of good quality and that there are no exposed areas that could cause short circuits. After the boxes you need to move on to the lamps. Very often, novice electricians forget to check the chandeliers if the machine switches off without load. The testing technology is similar to sockets - you check the reliability of the connections.

The last thing you need to do is check the wiring, which in most houses and apartments is hidden (in the wall). In this case, it is best to use a special device that can quickly and accurately find the short circuit. However, it is unlikely that anyone will have one at home, so you can get out of the situation using a multimeter. We talked about how to determine a short circuit in wiring using a tester in the corresponding article. If this does not help, we recommend calling a technician who, using a thermal imager or other devices, will find the short circuit and repair it.

What are electrical plugs?

There are two types of electrical plugs:

When a plug with a fuse link trips, you will need to change the fuse link on a special fuse located inside the electrical plug. In the fuse that you are going to replace the burnt one, its characteristics play an important role: they must exactly repeat the characteristics of the one being replaced.

You need to look at such a parameter as the rated current. If you install a fuse with an overrated current, then in the event of a short circuit the protective mechanism will not work, the network will not be de-energized, and as a result, the electrical wiring will most likely burn out somewhere, troubleshooting which is quite difficult if it is walled up in the wall.

AB is out of order

Well, the rarest reason, which also cannot be excluded, is the poor quality of the machine, which knocks out because it is defective. If you are sure that the wiring and household appliances are intact and there is no overload, check the machine by replacing it with a similar one. We can say with confidence that this will help fix the problem. To avoid such a situation in the future, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best manufacturers of circuit breakers and select one from the list.


For stable operation of the circuit breaker, it is important to regulate the total power of the connected devices. On high-power devices, you can install an additional shutdown device.

The switch must be selected correctly, without exceeding the ratings. It is also important to monitor the temperature of the room in which the distribution board is installed - if it overheats, the machine can operate even with a small load.

The machine switching off is a common problem in homes. Automatic shutdown can be triggered by both high currents and short circuits. Less commonly, the cause is high temperatures and malfunction of the device itself.

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