Inductor in an alternating current circuit - principle of operation and meaning
Theory First, let's define the purpose of this part, as well as the basic concepts and terms
Calculation of resistor resistance by color coding
Resistor values ​​are represented by so-called resistor rows (for example, row E24). The series of resistors are
LM317 circuit
Adjustable stabilizers LM317 and LM337. Features of application
LM317 is an adjustable voltage stabilizer. It can be used to create various power supplies.
Solar Controller
Solar battery charge controller: circuit, operating principle, connection methods
Solar energy is so far limited (at the household level) to the creation of photovoltaic panels of relatively low power.
Calculation of the current limiting resistor for an LED, formulas and calculator
Ohm's law for an electrical circuit The basis for calculating the input and output voltage of a circuit is
Charging 18650 battery
How to choose a charger for a 18650 Li-Ion battery.
Smartphones, laptops, hand-held power tools, LED flashlights - this is just a small list of wireless devices that can be used for
Making a USB fan at home with your own hands
Making a USB fan at home with your own hands
Very often, in the sultry heat, there is not enough air flow in the room.
Designation of alternating current in a multimeter
How to measure current with a multimeter - instructions with video
Type of wiring and its parameters At home, most often you have to deal with
What is the difference between 18650 batteries in terms of labeling and chemistry?
It is difficult to find an area where there are no devices running on electrical energy. Mobile sources represent batteries
The design and principle of operation of the rack switch of the PBB windings of a power transformer
The design and principle of operation of a rack switch of PBB windings in a power transformer Hello, dear readers
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