How to master radio electronics from scratch. We learn to assemble structures of any complexity

Modern life cannot be imagined without radio-electronic devices, such as a computer, TV and other devices. All of them can break over time. Sometimes disappointment sets in when you have to pay decent money for minor radio repairs. There is a desire to learn the basics of radio electronics for beginners.

Radio amateur workshop

Electronics Basics

You need to understand radio engineering by studying the laws of electrical processes. Theoretical material should be reinforced by home experiments in creating simple circuits. It is not at all difficult to purchase reference literature.

Using information on the Internet, you can find videos of amateur radio courses. Without knowledge of the basic radio elements, it is impossible to understand even the simplest circuit of a detector radio receiver. The reference book “Radio Engineering for Beginners” lists the most commonly used radio elements that make up the printed circuit boards of modern electronic devices.

You need to know and master the methods of creating printed circuit boards. It is necessary to gain knowledge of how to effectively use soldering of radio components. Experience in creating homemade simple electronic circuits will gradually lead to mastery of independent design of printed circuit boards.

Note! You don't have to buy reference books. There is a lot of material published online for beginner radio amateurs that you can download to your computer. Video lessons for beginner radio electronics enthusiasts will bring a lot of benefits.

To determine the characteristics of electrical currents flowing in certain sections of circuits and through the radio components themselves, you need to have measuring instruments. For a beginner radio amateur, it is enough to purchase a compact multimeter.

Breadboards (billboard)

You can also do without soldering; you can assemble the circuit on breadboards or billboards.

Development boards

Here you just need to insert radio components into the contacts of the board, connect them to each other using jumper wires, and thus you can check the functionality of the circuit and radio elements.

— Mini development board

— Breadboard is large

— Jumper wiring


Electrical Engineering for Beginners

In order to have a comfortable radio amateur workshop, it is enough to choose a well-lit corner of the room for the table. Several electrical outlets should be placed on the wall near the adjacent side of the table. In addition, you will need the following:

  • electronic devices;
  • basic measuring instruments;
  • tools and materials.

Electronic devices

Adjustable power supply

First of all, you need to get a regulated power supply. The unit is connected to a household electrical outlet. Alternating current is converted to direct current with a voltage of 3 to 12 volts. The device consists of a transformer, rectifier and stabilizer.

Adjustable power supply


Its secondary winding reduces the voltage of the current supplied to the primary coil from the electrical network from 220 to 12 volts. Both windings of the transformer are reliably isolated from each other. Therefore, high voltage entering the secondary winding in the event of a breakdown of the first coil is absolutely excluded.


The reduced alternating voltage is supplied to the diode bridge of the rectifier. Alternating current loses its return ability and is converted into a constant electric flow. To eliminate voltage ripple at the output, current flows through an electrolytic capacitor.


The basis of the stabilizer is the MC34063 microcircuit. The radio component is equipped with a unit that protects against overload and short circuit in the circuit.

Multifunctional socket

A multifunctional power supply allows you to create the most comfortable working conditions for a radio amateur. During the assembly and installation of radio circuits, it is often necessary to connect several consumers simultaneously, both mains and 12-volt DC.

Multifunctional socket

The housing of the multifunctional equipment has a built-in general switch for all connectors. The device is also equipped with an AC converter unit.

Additional Information. A multifunctional socket can be purchased ready-made. It will be interesting for a novice radio amateur to assemble such a device with his own hands.

Basic measuring instruments

The main measuring instruments include ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter. As a rule, devices take up quite a lot of space on the desktop. The way out of this situation is to purchase a multimeter (tester). The digital device replaces all three devices at once.

What is a multimeter

The tester is equipped with a liquid crystal screen. The device measures variable and constant characteristics of currents in different ranges. The universal device can measure direct and alternating voltage, direct current, and resistance value. A multimeter is used to test diodes and capacitors, as well as other radio elements.

On the front panel there are:

  1. LCD display. It shows the magnitude values ​​of various current characteristics in a digital image.
  2. In the center there is a rotating disk with a pointer. It is installed opposite the mark of the required measurement mode.
  3. The following symbols are located around the disk:
  • OFF – the device is turned off;
  • ACV – alternating voltage measurement;
  • DCV – the same constant voltage;
  • DCA – direct current measurement;
  • Ω – resistance measurement.
  1. The tip of the black wire is inserted into the COM socket.
  2. The “10ADC” socket of the red wire is used to measure voltage or current up to 10 amperes.
  3. The “VRmA” connector is used to measure currents up to 200 mA.
  4. To determine the resistance, use the socket with the “Ω” sign.
  5. The terminal hole under the “▬►▌▬” sign is used to test the electrical circuit for breaks.


Important! When using devices, you must remember that the black wire must always be connected to the COM socket with the “-” sign. If the probes are swapped in places, the fuse of the measuring device will burn out.

Tools and materials

The radio amateur's workbench must be equipped with the necessary tools and materials.


The most necessary tools make up the following set:

  1. Soldering iron.
  2. Induction soldering station.
  3. Soldering hair dryer.
  4. Related devices.
Soldering iron

The main tool of a radio technician is a soldering iron. Without mastering the art of soldering circuits and radio components, it is impossible for beginning radio amateurs to comprehend the basics of radio engineering. For a beginner, it is better to start using a pulse soldering iron right away.

The power tool almost instantly heats up to the melting temperature of the solder. Its tip in the form of a curved wire allows you to apply molten metal exactly to the soldering site.

Induction soldering station

The station is equipped with a soldering iron, which does not have a transmitting heating element. The ferromagnetic surface of the tip is a continuation of the monolithic copper core. The end of the rod enters the induction coil.

The station system is designed to constantly maintain the heating level of the soldering iron tip. This allows you to avoid unnecessary energy consumption and prevent overheating in the soldering area.

Having reached a certain temperature level, the ferromagnetic shell of the core ceases to perceive the alternating magnetic field of the induction coil, and the tip begins to cool. The temperature drop restores the properties of the ferromagnetic coating, and heating of the core resumes.

Soldering gun

A hot air gun for radio amateurs appeared relatively recently. The device pumps hot air through a narrow nozzle into the soldering area. Its temperature reaches the melting level of solder. Using a soldering gun, you can easily remove soldering or mount a radio component on a printed circuit board.

A spiral of nichrome wire covers the air duct cylinder. To avoid heat loss, the spiral is wrapped on top with mica or other heat insulator. The air flow is created by a built-in fan.

Hot air gun

Related accessories

To fix parts, various clamps, mini-vices and clamps are used. Platforms are made from a wooden plank, in which recesses for cups for candles are cut out with a milling cutter. They are filled with flux, solder and copper shavings to clean the soldering iron tip. A set of needle files, wire cutters and a scalpel are always useful in the work of a radio amateur.


Here is a sample list of materials for a novice radio technician:

  • textolite for the manufacture of printed circuit boards;
  • pickling liquid;
  • solder and flux;
  • napkins or copper shavings.

Set of radio components

A set of radio components
We already have what to solder with, now we choose what to solder. On AliExpress I found a whole pack of various radio components. This set includes LEDs (5 different colors and different sizes), there are electrolytic capacitors of various capacities, a large pack of resistors (600 pieces) of various values ​​and many different types of diodes and transistors.

Set of radio components

If you want to solder your first circuits, then this kit has almost everything you need

— A whole bunch of different radioelements

Primer for a beginner TV master

Electronics for Beginners

The desire to master the skill of repairing televisions is an incentive to master the basics of radio engineering for beginners. A lot of materials are published on the Internet, where the information is arranged in the form of a primer for novice TV masters.

Telemaster at work

Here they will talk about how a modern TV works and introduce methods for identifying and troubleshooting problems. By studying the information, a beginner will be able to understand the structure of a television device, its structural diagram, learn about the modules and components of the device and their interaction.

Along with this, on the printed market you can find books published in the form of a primer for beginning TV masters. This is a convenient form of providing the necessary information for a beginner in radio engineering.

DIY soldering kits

DIY soldering kits
Also on AliExpress there are a bunch of different DIY kits for soldering a wide variety of circuits. There is a board and all the necessary radio elements there. Very good for learning. There is even a set for learning how to solder SMD components, which will also be very useful for someone.

— DIY soldering kits

— Set of 9 Circuits for beginner electronics engineers

— Set for learning to solder SMD and microcircuits

Precautionary measures

How to connect a voltmeter

In the work of a radio and television technician, it is necessary to avoid the risk of exposure to voltage dangerous to human life and health. You cannot leave devices and tools turned on when leaving the workplace. It is necessary to use a single switch that interrupts the power supply to the entire power supply system of the radio master's desktop.

For a beginner there is every opportunity to master the radio business. You can always find the necessary reference material in the media. The radio engineering market provides a wide selection of electronic devices, tools, materials and measuring instruments.

Third hand

The third hand
There are times when, when soldering, we hold a soldering iron in one hand and a solder bar in the other, but what holds the printed circuit board, we just don’t have 3 hands, and therefore there are devices that are called “third hand”.

Third hand

The design in the basic version is very simple: a base and metal clothespins, which secure the printed circuit board. Often the “third hand” is supplemented with a magnifying glass and even holds a soldering iron. Of course, you can make such a board clamp yourself, or you can buy it on AliExpress.

— Third hand with magnifying glass, holder and light


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Radio component tester

Radio component tester
To test radio components, I would advise you to take such a radio component tester. A simple device, but it can check and determine the value of almost any radio component, be it a resistor, capacitor, inductance, diode, transistor, etc.

— Radio component tester

Arduino kits

Arduino kit
For those who decided to start working with electronics right away from microcontrollers from the Arduino platform, here I advise you to immediately take an arduino starter kit, an additional PACK of 40 modules and sensors for it.

Arduino modules and sensors

With these kits you can immerse yourself in the topic of microcontrollers, smart devices and automation for a long time. There are also more advanced kits for working with arduino.

— Arduino starter kit

— 45 Arduino modules and sensors

— Advanced Arduino kit (Prime package)

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